12. Great <note the sarcasm>

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*Cole's p.o.v*

Are you kidding me.. 😒

I sat in the couch while Dia talked to Tyler, Harry and Abby ran upstairs and Dana glared at me from a distance. I felt bad for hiding my brother from him, but If you had a brother like Tyler you would understand why you would want to keep him a secret.

Tyler was practically the opposite of me, negative and a trouble maker. I'm not saying I don't get I trouble every now and then but Tyler... He was always up to something and his eagerness to find Nia was very... Different.

I sighed and stood up walking towards the front door and motioning Dana to follow me, he seemed reluctant to follow me. I shut the front door behind us and we both walked down the Block.

"Look, I'm sorry" I said breaking the silence
"For what" Dana said looking at the ground
"For hiding Tyler from you, you don't understand"
"What do I not understand"
"Tyler is an embarrassment, and-" Dana cut me off
"You hid your brother from me because he was an embarrassment?"
"Well I uhmm, yes, but you still don't understand"
"What do I not understand Cole" Dana said
"I would tell you but your not in my shoes"
"Ughhhh, why is everything so difficult with you" Dana grumbled walking back home and leaving me behind.

I kept walking forward, this whole disappearance was stupid. So much has happened and it's only been two days what if Nia really wasn't gone and we were all being overdramatic. But then what if she really was, and we aren't taking it seriously.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice Tyler walking behind me, until he tapped on my shoulder making me jump out of my skin. "Ohh it's just you"

Tyler laugh "you scare so easily" he said
"was that a sarcastic comment?"
"You can bet on it, what do you want?" I asked
"I just want to help find Nia, that's what your doing... Right?" Tyler asked
"I can look for her alone, the last thing I need is you " I grumbled
Tyler frowned "someones grumpy, wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?"
"What do you want with me!?" I yelled
"why the hec were you at iHop breaking down doors, and breaking a glass window, were you trying to get me arrested!?"
"Yes, but that's in the past" Tyler said
"That was 5 hours ago"

"..right, so are we looking for your princess or not" Tyler said
"My what" i asked totally confused
"Your princess, the missing girl, Nia.. Gosh your slow"
"First off, I can't call her my princess because she's Nialls second, why did you say that"
"You really don't know how obvious your little crush is, do you?"

I could feel my cheeks getting red, this is stupid, I needed to stay focused.




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