26. Please No

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* Nia's P.o.v* 

I acted like it wasn't a big deal, when really it was breaking my heart. 


I talked to Dia alone for awhile before she left me alone, this time I was completely by myself without Niall beside me. This gave me time to actually think about what happened to me, even though I had a whole bunch of time to think in that small room at the barn. 

"Never again" I mumbled but I said that way too soon... 

All of a sudden the lights turned out and I could feel someones arms around me, I knew it wasn't Niall. I shrieked and thrashed around but to no avail, "SOMEONE HELP" I screamed bloody murder before being hit in the head really hard and blacking out. 


I opened my eyes to a dim room, everything was really blurry but I could just make out two figures. Once my vision was clear I could make out the two shapes... it was Cole.. but there was two of them? 

'I must be going insane' I thought looking at the both of them, the one on the right had red hair, black earrings and a snapback  and the Cole on the left had black hair, a black beanie and red earrings.

I could tell that Cole with the black hair was my kidnapper because he had the look in his eyes and that smirk that I remembered so well, I tried to scoot away from him but didn't make it that far considering that I was tied up to a chair with duct tape on my hands, mouth and legs. 

I screamed at them anger roaring in my chest, I don't understand?! Why would.. why... 

Before I could finish my thought the Cole with black hair spoke up, "Welcome back Nia" he said smirking at me,  I scowled and so did the Cole with red hair.. why was he scowling? 

"You probably want answers.." He continued 

I shook my head yes waiting for him to reply, "Sadly... my game with just you has come to an end and I can reveal to you my identity,But-" the guy with red hair interrupted him obviously annoyed " Dude just tell her who you are so I can remove the duct tape" 

"Just remove it now" Cole with the black hair said 

I flinched a little as the other Cole ripped the duct tape off my mouth, he looked into my eyes with the most sincere look "I'm sorry Nia..." he said looking down, not able to look into my eyes again. 

At this point I was super confused.. "What?" 

The Cole with black hair finally spoke up "I'm Tyler, this is my brother Cole but you already know him" 

"Cole you have a twin brother?" I asked even thought the answer was obvious 

"Yeah.." he answered still not looking me in the eye 

"Why am I here?" I asked the real Cole 

"Ask him" he said rolling his eyes 

"Why am I here?" I asked Tyler 

He rolled his eyes at me which just made me want to punch him in the face, "Well I just wanted to have some more fun, plus tell you the truth about your kidnapping, and I have both you and Cole so this will be ten times better than last time" 

"I still don't understand why your'e doing this" I said annoyed 

"Think of it as an adventure" Tyler said 

"I didn't want to be a part of this" I said getting upset "Where am I anyway" 

"In the house you escaped from when I told you not to" Tyler said 

"Oh" I said while the feeling of not being able to breathe came over me again

Tyler rolled his eyes and mumbled something to Cole, they both nodded although Cole still seemed annoyed and tired. 

"Hey uhh... Nia" Cole said finally looking into my eyes, he looked like he was about to cry 


"Come with me, I'll untie you" he said getting up and taking the duct tape off of my hands and feet, once he was done I could see a few tears had already streamed down his face. I decided to ask why he was crying once we were farther away from Tyler. 

Cole took me downstairs and then in the car, he gave me a scarf and sunglasses to put on before we got on the road. Once we got onto the highway I talked to him... 

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