18. Run Away

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*Nia's p.o.v*

There is only two ways this can turn out.

I ate the food Cole gave me, it was hard to enjoy the food especially since all these thoughts where streaming through my head. Then I thought of something that I've kept in the back of my mind for awhile, .... The thought of never seeing Niall again, or my friends that I grew so close to.

That one thought made it hard to take another bite of the food and I laid the fork down.
"Are you gonna finish that," Cole asked me
"No, I'm full" I said
"Okay" he said taking my plate and putting all the rest of the food back in the refrigerator.

"Follow me" Cole said grabbing my hand and walking me upstairs. He showed me to a room a bed, something I was happy to see, I could sleep for ages... I could try.

"You can sleep here" he said shoving me in the room and slamming the door closed and locking it "LET ME OUT!" I screamed, I could barely breathe, I walked towards the window and slid it open, I had to get out of there or I'd pass out.

I shakily slid through the now open window and onto the roof, I tried to get down carefully but I fell, the shock of falling scared me and I twisted my ankle but I stood up anyway.

I saw Cole stare through my open window his glare, gave me chills and made my heart stop. 'He's gonna kill me' I thought, a shock of panic went through me and I ran as fast as I could down the street.

My heart was beating fast, and tears were blurring my vision. Then everything went black, the only thing I remember is seeing Niall with tears streaming down his cheeks. "It's okay Nia I have you"

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