14. Unbinded

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*Nia's p.o.v*

I'll be okay... Just not today

I stared at the door, I had no clue how many hours and days had gone by and I felt numb. I felt hollow inside, and my faith that I'd be found was slowly disappearing. The thought of staying in here and rotting scared me to death.

I heard my stomach growl and I wondered maybe what Cole said about me staying and rotting. Maybe he actually was going to leave me in here with no food and I was gonna die in here and never see my friends... My family.. The thought made me panic.

I ran to the door again and banged on it "PLEASE LET ME OUT!!! PLEASE !! I'll do anything!!" I screamed, tears sliding down my cheek.

I heard a creak and looked up to see Cole peeking through the now opened door. "You'll do anything?" He said
"Yes" I sobbed
"Then be mine" he said
"What no" I said

Cole started to close the door "wait!" I said
"Yes" he said with a small smile
"If I pretend to be your girlfriend will you let me go?" I asked
"This isn't pretend Nia, and yes... Maybe I'll let you go" 
"What do you mean by maybe?"
"I mean you won't be in this room all the time, you can walk around with me"
"Will I get to see Niall?"
"No.. They still think your lost" he said
"So I won't see my friends..."
"It's your chose " Cole said
"I'll take it" I said

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