4. 24 hours

20 2 0

*Nia's p.o.v*

I saw Niall reaching out to me and I ran towards him but it seemed as if every move I made brought me farther away. I ran and chased him but he got farther away and soon out of my sight.


I woke up in a cold sweat. I panicked seeing the old rickety junk next to me, then it all came back to me. I was kidnapped, I have no idea where I am or how I'm suppose to get help. I felt even more alone than I did the night before, when I was taken. I stood up and looked through the boarded up window, the food Cole gave me was still lying on the ground and I wasn't going to take anything that he wants to give me.

I swore to myself that I would tell my friends about what a horrible jerk Cole is and he will be in prison where he will soon be.... That is if I can figure out how to get help.

I start shrieking out the window, screaming for help. Suddenly a loud bang is heard from downstairs and a crash, I dash towards the corner afraid that whoever that is might hurt me and there he is my kidnapper standing at the door looking at me mincingly.

"Don't scream out the window!" He yells at me
"Well what do you expect me too do" I say
He stares at me, with an evil glare "come" he says leaving the room

Slowly I get up and walk towards the door right when I'm standing in front of him. He pulls me closer and duct tapes my mouth and I start to panic but he shoves me back into the room. Where I cry for hours...

How could this happen to me

When will my friends find me

What will he do to me

As menacing questions swirl around in my head, I get a wave terror. What about Niall... How is he feeling? What if he can't take my leaving and....

I stop myself, I've already cried Aleah today and it's probably around 3. I stand up taking the duct tape off witch I don't know why I didn't do earlier. I work on trying to move the boarders on the window but they won't budge. I even try kicking, pushing, barging into the door and all my attempts fail.

"I wish I had my phone" I mutter, it wasn't soon till I noticed how hungry I was...

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