Say So

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*Vote and Comment Lovelies! Yall ready for Derrick's reaction???*

"WHERE THE FUCK IS HIS BITCH ASS AT!?" Derrick's voice boomed through the house making Mel cower for a second. Searching the house like a mad man, Derrick went from the kitchen to upstairs, taking every other step. Rushing back down, he saw just how traumatized Mel had to have been. It probably wasn't helping that he was yelling and running through her house, but he was beyond pissed. He had his suspicions but he silently hoped it wasn't true. She didn't deserve that. She didn't deserve to be going through something so fucked up. It was like life loved dealing her a bad hand.

"Mellie.....," he called out, walking closer to her. She shook her head, taking a step back. She didn't want him seeing her like this. I should've just told him when he first asked. When I went to the restroom at dinner, I called Jo. Gave her a quick rundown and she told me to leave with Derrick and tell him whatever it was he wanted to know. I was so fucking worried, I couldn't find the balls to do it. But I should've. Oh but no. What do I do? Have an affair then put my own self in compromising positions.

"Mellie stop moving." Her head dropped, she stared blankly at the glass on the ground. How was she still alive? Hovering over her he began to get a full view of how bad her injuries were. He looked at the bandage on her hand. He hadn't forgotten the burn she claimed was from not paying attention to the burner. He didn't believe it one bit. "Are you hurt anywhere else?" He softly asked. She kept her head down before her tears betrayed her. Finally breaking down, she felt her legs give out. Derrick quickly caught her, scooping her up bridal style and carrying her to the couch.

Sitting down with her on his lap he simply held her as she cried her heart out against his chest. "Shhhhh" he whispered, rubbing her arm lightly. "It.... it it hurts," she mumbled through her tears. "What hurts baby?" "My my back. And my arms......... my head," her tears hitting her harder by the second. "Let me take a look okay?" She nodded as her chest heaved. She winced and whimpered as he peeled her robe off. His blood boiled as he saw the cuts on her arms and back. Draping her hair to the side to check her neck, he noticed the missing patches from the middle of her head.

Her scalp bright red from the trauma. He wanted to ring Robert's neck. He wanted to tie him up on a tree in the middle of the rain forest then watch his body get ripped apart by whatever exotic predator got to him first. I could tell he was so fucking pissed. He wasn't saying anything but everytime he found a new wound, he'd start breathing like a bull. I didn't know what he was capable of doing. I never seen him so enraged. I knew he was genuinely concerned but I think only one emotion was plaguing his mind.

"I need to get you checked out." "No!" Mel blurted, instantly regretting the loud response. You'd think it'd be easy to remember how fucked up your throat felt. "Why are you saying no? You're scarred up. You're dizzy. You barely have any strength to hold yourself up. And that hand alone concerns me." "No....... doctors then police. No." Derrick understood what she was trying to say but he wished she wasn't saying it. Robert needed to be reported. The police needed to be involved. This was her out. Why wasn't she taking it?

Dean's words replayed in his head, reminding him of the difficult task that lied ahead. That's over a decade of abuse. It's hard to unlearn. "Okay how about this? I'll call up a buddy of mine. He's a surgeon over at the university hospital. He owes me a favor. He'll even come to my house if you want. He won't report anything to anyone. Just check you out. That's all." Silence followed before she started crying yet again. "Why are you helping me?" She said barely above a whisper. "Because I care about you. I need to make sure you're okay," he caressed her face, placing a soft forehead kiss on her.

She sniffled, her body aching even with her just sitting. "One doctor. No cops," she groaned out, her voice coming in and out. "Deal. Let's get you some clothes on and I'll call him when we get in the car." "Glass." "Fuck that damn glass! You're not touching shit! His pea brain can function enough to clean it the fuck up himself." His voice stern. He refused to let her deal with that. Whatever happened was replaying in her mind and he could see how it was affecting her. I don't know how he knew not to back down. I don't know what told him to come lay eyes on me.

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