I Do

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The next morning Derrick and Jo were the first two awake. "Okay so I told you I was making a cake for you and this is the first time I can show you. I had to fight 5 men to keep them from eating it," she said as she pulled out the cake. "That looks absolutely delicious Jo. Why aren't you a baker?" "I must confess, I didn't start this baking shit until I got pregnant. Like I do it often now. That's why Dom is thinking about doing a 90 day with Dean." "Don't let him do that," Derrick said with a straight face. "What why?"

He simply shook his head saying don't. "Okaaaaaaaay. So what do you want to do today?" "Thinking we take the boat out. Do a little fishing maybe." "Ewwww I'm sick of yall and this nature shit." "There is nothing wrong with some fresh air," Derrick said with a laugh. "Yeah right. I don't need my allergies acting up. I was thinking more shopping....." "Okay so how about this, tomorrow you and the rest of the women can go shopping. My treat. Need to do some decorating." "You're decorating?" "Yes I'm capable of pulling off something romantic." "You know I've been playing music this whole trip but you know what song makes me think of you?"

"Which one?" Jo pulled out her phone and turned on Mario's Just a Friend. "Oh Godddddd noooooo!" Dawn groaned. Derrick laughed heartedly at her pain. "You are not about to tell me you hate this song," Jo said. "Thanks to this asshole I do. Thank you for overplaying this song in your adolescent years. But since you're wide awake then I take it we are actually doing full family functions?" Dawn spat. "Yes DD," Jo snickered as she turned on the R&B Playlist. Derrick finished cooking before mixing together Beaux and Belle's food.

Washing his hands, he dried them off giving his mom a kiss on the cheek as she made Don's plate. "Who is that singing? Such a beautiful voice," Debbi pointed out. "That would be Mellie," Derrick answered, knowing his baby's voice anywhere. "Really?" Don asked. "Mmhmm she does it so much these days," June said. "Maybe it's a pregnancy syndrome," Dawn pondered. "Naaah. She been doing it before she got pregnant. I think it's a Derrick syndrome," Jo said, wanting to say it was a dick thing. Hearing her get closer, everyone looked up as soon as she came around to the kitchen.

They were just staring at me. I thought maybe something was wrong but they were just grinning at me. "Uh good morning," she said. "Good morning," Everyone responded. "Good morning baby," Derrick voiced as he handed her a plate and pecked her lips. "You have a pretty singing voice Auntie M," TT spoke up. "Thank you baby." When she took a seat, Derrick whistled for the dogs to come inside. "Sit." Everyone except Mel watched to see how disciplined they were becoming. "Aht.... I said sit," he spewed, picking the bowls of food up. Keeping eye contact with the dogs, he sat the food back down before saying Eat.

He was happy with how quickly Belle was picking up on the commands. It seemed that even though Beaux was being a rebellious ass, having him with her was helping her figure out right from wrong. "So...... we finally getting on the boat?" Dean tossed out. "Definitely," Derrick said as he grabbed the hot sauce Mel was looking on the table for. " Thank youuuuuu. I for one can't wait," Mel said before taking a big bite of food. Brenda, June and Jo all looked at Mel like she had lost her mind. She looked up, a halt in her moan as she looked at the eyes on her. "What?" "Who are you?" Brenda simply asked, getting flipped off in return.

"I think I'll sit this one out," June said. "I'm not. I wanna see her ass touch a worm let alone a fish," Jo tossed. "Booooo," Mel said feeling heartburn arise in her chest. "Are you okay?" Dawn asked. Derrick looked out the corner of his eye, sliding over the glass of milk he had waiting for her. "Yeah," she whispered sipping it. "You over there downing spice but I don't see neither of the other two pregnant women eating hot sauce by the gallon," Dean spat without thought. Mel glared at him, the only thing she felt safe doing. "Look I got heartburn 1 time from eating the spicy salsa from that food truck we used to go to. Ain't ate shit spicy since. Everything is so damn sensitive in my body now. I don't like being uncomfortable," Jo confessed. She didn't know how Mel was doing it. She was literally making herself have heartburn with all the spices she was eating.

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