Shut Up

753 32 20

Bakugou Katsuki

I'll think about it I'll think about it I'll think about it I'll think about it I'll think about it I'll think about it

I'm getting real sick and fucking tired of I'll think about its. All he can tell me is I'll think about it, I'll see, I'll look into it, I'll ask about it, blah blah fucking blah. I try to do one nice thing for Deku and All Might puts these barriers up again. Well, I guess the nice thing is technically for the Grape but Deku wants it to happen so it works for him too.

Why is he dodging me though? All I asked was for All Might to try and influence the Grape to transfer to the hero course. He doesn't seem very thrilled at the idea of stepping in though, why? I'm sure if the number one fucking hero says he wants a student to transfer then room will be made. It's so annoying. How can he expect me to trust him and listen to him fully if he can't communicate with me? It goes both ways.

I know All Might is going through his own thing right now with his relationship going to shit but it's hard to feel sympathetic when he brings it on himself. Like oh no the consequences of your dumbass actions, actions that I warned you about, have shown up. Put on your big boy pants and go deal with it like the grown-ass man that you are. God. I'm glad my parents knew what a relationship meant when they got in one. All Might doesn't seem to understand how complex and not fun relationships can get. Not that I have a lot of experience but I know I'd be better than that guy.

"Kacchan!" Did my heart seriously just skip a beat? What the fuck? I know it's been days since I've heard that voice but I didn't need my body to react like a little girl. I turned around and felt the entire weight of Deku land on my body, "I'm so sorry I wasn't free!"

I let Deku hug me, it was nice. Usually, I hate physical contact but it's good right now, "It's fine..." I thought back to that day and how my dad held me back then too. We promised to go camping as soon as we were both free, in memory of Uncle Taka.

"No, it's not!" Deku released me from his wimpy arm prison and then held up a gray elephant, "I got this as an apology!" His face looked a bit pink, "Well I thought of you when I saw it so I thought it would be a good apology-"

"-Deku shut up," I took the elephant and as I did I glanced at Deku's choker. I was a bit worried that he had turned pink due to a fever but the light blinked green so I guess not. I turned my attention to the elephant and noted how bland it looked, I like bland, "I like spending time with you but I don't want you to make it an obligation, even on serious days. I want you to be around because you want to."

Deku nodded quietly and I used the elephant to sort of boop his face, "Anyway thanks for this. It can be buddies with the white one." Deku looked confused and I tried to smile, "The day Uncle Taka picked me up for...the last time. He gave me a gift, a ceramic white elephant." I squished the plush Deku had given me, "So this guy can be his friend."

"Oh," Deku blinked as he put together what I'd said, "Do they have names?" He asked after a small but awkward beat.

I shook my head, "No I never named things as a kid. I used to talk to the white elephant though, pretending it was my uncle and that he could hear me through it." For once I didn't feel a wave of grief, guilt, and sadness while talking about my uncle. It felt almost refreshing to remanence about him, his life, and even his death.

I haven't gotten the chance to talk about him too much because it always hurt so goddamn much but now it feels right. Maybe this means I don't blame myself anymore or something, I don't know. I'm not a damn therapist.

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