Into; When 'they' shown themselves

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This is book one. Just a short one with more to come in book two.

Happy reading❤️💙

~Olivia POV~

The vampires shown themselves around 50 years ago, since then it's kind of been a divide however some vampires started having relationships with humans, you see these vampires can reproduce that's what makes them seem the same to us, but no they are not the same, they are faster, stronger, live forever and some are mean but they follow the human law, they don't hurt humans unfortunately you get the odd one that does just like you get humans who kill humans.

Many humans hire Vampires as security from them. Some hire them for other reasons. Selfish reasons mainly.

Before my mom died she told me about the vampires she was four when they shown themselves, it was a terrifying time there was countless murders to begin with, then the hunt came humans hunted vampires thousands were killed humans and vampires until the higher council the rights of the vampire were formed, now vampires have as much rights as humans.

When vampires begin having sexual relations with humans it was then found that male vampires can get human females pregnant, however female vampires cannot conceive so many vampire couples started to pay humans, to carry their children which today is known as the VH clinic, vampires pay high amounts to humans to carry their children, it's a easy way to make money the only catch is, that child is part of you that's then taken away is that a price to pay? I don't think so.

It then came apparent  that a person who's parent is a vampire if they die before old age, they become a vampire for example last week Amy Robinson from my year had no idea her father was a vampire, she was killed in a car accident, next day she was alive yes you  guessed it, she's now a vampire and hunting her father down. Not my idea of fun.

Vampires that you hear in movies don't exist, these vampires walk in the sun, can eat garlic and cannot die by stake. It's unknown to humans how vampires can be killed, only a fair few know how and that's how they like it.

Living in Foldsmill was always quiet a little town until the vampires shown themselves.

Now the vampires and humans live together, side by side...

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