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~Olivia POV~

Walking down bourbon street late at night the party is still in full swing everyone looks happy, chatting dancing even little market stalls jotted at the sides selling little jewels and witch crystals for the tourist.

I stop at each stall to see what they are selling, Iv never been to such a magnificent place before. As I'm walking from stall to stall I notice a man in all black watching me, he stops when I stop. So I quickly walk faster into the crowd I look back and he's doing the same, ok he's definitely following me. I run down an alley way right to the end, only to find it's a dead end, I can feel my heart beating out my chest, he's got to be from blade.

My backs up against the wall I have nowhere to go, looking round for an escape but there isn't one.

He walks closer and grins at me " witch. Blade will love killing you"

As he went to grab me he fell to the floor holding his head, looking up was violet and aunt Anna holding their hands up at him " come on he's down but not for long"

We run back out the alley way and into the hotel " it's spelled no vampire can enter. What was you thinking running off like that?"

But all I could do is look around in awe at this place, it was beautiful all old features like it stepped back in time. " why is everywhere spelled against vampires is this like your town?"

" New Orleans is now run by the witches, they took it back from the vampires 10 years ago. A lot of places vampires can't get in. A long time ago witches were banned from magic. It was forbidden so now witches have taken back New Orleans they have new rules and this time vampires who break the rules die just like they did to witches. It's the way it is now. The witches fought back"

Wow witches were really bad arses.

" let's get some sleep then we can go check on Alexandra in the morning."


~Alexandra POV~

My eyes slowly opened, My arms were attached to a bed making me frantically try sitting up " help help" I shouted I felt like I was being held here against my will.

A woman came running in " please don't worry alex. Your in safe hands. Your in New Orleans. Your friend Olivia will be back in the morning. You gave us a fright. You and baby" the woman said smiling st me.

What? What the hall happened.

" what happened?"

" well. Listen to me don't freak out. Your baby is ready to come soon. You see. Something has happened. Your baby is full vampire and your not vampire and neither are your parents am I correct?"

I shook my head " no my parents are full human. What do you mean my baby is full vampire?"

" I thought so. We ran some tests your full human no trace of vampire. But your child is full vampire. It's unheard of but not impossible. From what we know your child will be fully grown around the age of 21. He's no danger we've checked everything over. But we need to keep you away from blade alexis he's a dangerous man. He's looking for you"

all this was crazy. I thought my baby would be half vampire. I don't know what I'm doing. I want Liv by my side.

" your baby is special. He needs protecting. It's very rare for a human and a vampire to have a full vampire baby. He needs to see good in the world not see such evils as blade alexis does evil things. We will
Help you. Do you want our help Alexandra?"

I do want their help. I don't want my child to be like his father.

I nodded " yes please help me"

" ok. My name is Katherine Hobren I am a good witch. I like to help where I can. I can arrange a safe house. But please go back to sleep we will arrange it tomorrow with Olivia. Ok?"

The woman left the room, there's no way I could sleep now. I don't know what's going on or where Olivia is but I want her by my side.

The Hidden secrets in New Orleans. Book1Where stories live. Discover now