The ritual

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"Why are you doing this Holly?". Holly was sat in the room with Florence doing some spells together, I had no idea what spells they were.

Why was holly here? And on their side.

Holly opened one eye at me, and I swear she winked. I don't know why but I feel like this is some kind of plan.

" I'm sick of being my mothers lapdog. So for once im doing something for me. I want some of the power too"

Florence grinned and kissed Holly wildly, like she was devouring her every last inch.

What the fuck was this?

Florence stood " get some rest. You'll need it"

Then both Flo and Holly were gone.

I'm confused what the fuck is going on? Why is Holly on the enemies side? I'm confused. I need to get out of this hell hole room.



" welcome to the dark side baby. Once we've successfully turned one of the witches into a hybrid then we can turn you . And we can be together forever"

Holly smiled and kissed me " forever baby. Forever"

" I know this is new for us but I feel like we were meant for each other. Our connection is something Iv never felt before" I couldn't help but stare into hollys beautiful eyes, I just knew she was being honest with me.

" we need to get started in spelling the necklace, do you have it? Holly asked me

Without hesitation I passed her the necklace, what was wrong with me? I wouldn't ever trust someone so easily, but with Holly my guard was well and truly down it felt real.

Holly begin on the necklace while I went and met our witches, these witches were rebelling against the elders,most of them wanted to freely use black magic which the elders were against, one of the main witch laws in New Orleans were no black magic, it's the devils work they'd say but I think they were scared, scared because black magic is the most powerful magic of them all, and something stronger then themselves scared them.

Walking into the room where our sisters all sat together.

" welcome sisters. Are you ready to begin your journey? Your journey to becoming not just a powerful witch but a vampire. The strongest of them all"

" yes sister!" The witches shouted in unison.

" then let's begin by all joining hands. And starting the darkness spell"

Drawn in the middle was the witches sign, stood around the sign we all joined hands. Together performing the ritual, the ritual to the rights of the necklace, to begin their journey of becoming the heretic that they deserve to be.

" together sisters. We can be one. Together we can all take the journey to becoming heretics"

Holly walks in with olivias blood. She's done me proud " I have the blood of the white Rhodes witch. Here sisters take this" Holly says passing me the necklace dragging Olivia behind.

I pass each of my witch sisters a vial of Olivias blood . " drink this sisters. It's your first step of becoming a better witch. A hybrid and together we can take down the elders. Together we can take back New Orleans"

As the witches drink the vial, Each witch fell eyes as white as snow. Each witch I put the necklace on dragging Olivia with me ensuring she held their hands to help begin their new journey. Finally the last witch and then Myself with Holly.

" are you ready baby? You go first Holly. Then I'll go"

Holly drank the blood and fell to the floor. Eyes as white as snow again . Olivia held her hands. Letting the magic take over.

Now it's my turn. " you'll never leave if you don't finish my ritual. Iv ensured that. So don't think about it"

I drank the vial....

The Hidden secrets in New Orleans. Book1Where stories live. Discover now