The plan

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~Alexandra POV~

Iv been spending lots of time with Michael, I think I'm falling for him he's kind and caring, he came over to make sure I'm safe. Liv left the safe house I knew she wouldn't stay knowing her cousin was taken by blaze, that man is pure Evil I want My son no where near him.

Cuddling up to Michael on the sofa watching fast and furious, " do you know if Liv is ok? I'm worried"

Michael looked down and kissed my forehead " don't worry baby. She's fine. She's with my mom they have a plan. Sit tight and wait"

I was beginning to feel agitated it felt like forever iv been here, I wish I would help but I knew in order to protect my baby Ambrose, I had to stay put.

I cuddled deeper into his chest smiling. I was so content. Silently signing in happiness i knew this feeling wouldn't last long.


~Olivia POV~

We had come up with a plan, the rose petals were grounded down to ash so when we blew them in the vampires faces they were knocked out, not for long but long enough for us to hopefully find Dylan and Violet, they'd had her for days now, one thing I knew was that she was still alive, I could feel her.

Slowly entering the grill with Ryan, Katherine had gone to the back entrance with Cassandra and Juliette. Nobody was here it was quiet.

Ryan stopped like he was listening.

I whispered " what do you hear?"

He disappeared vampire speed gone poof. Leaving me standing here on my own, I had no choice but to carry on.

Walking to the back of the grill the basement door was there, I was slowly opening the door " well hello there Olivia" turning round a smiling kohl with blood dripping down his chin " it was nice of you to finally stop by"

" where's Dylan and Violet?"

Kohl sniggered " like I'm going to tell you. But I promise the next time you see Dylan he won't be the same"

Kohl lunged for me but I quickly blew the rose petals In his face, knocking him to the floor.

I quickly opened the door and headed downstairs
It was dimly lit but I could make out a person chained from the ceiling. Walking closer to the person, omg it's Violet, using my powers to hook her off the ceiling, she's barely alive. I heard foot steps running down and a torch " Katherine and the witches are dead. We need to hurry"

It didn't register what he just said " she needs your blood. Quick heal her. Iv taken the shackles off"

Ryan healed her and Violet started to come round, quick grab her we need to go. I'll transport us back to the safe house. Hold on to me. " Violet help me transport."

Opening my eyes, we were back inside the house.

" I couldn't find Dylan. I couldn't find Dylan. Omg. I need to go now!" I shouted pacing the room

Ryan grabbed my shoulders " wait wait Olivia! He's a vampire under blades control"

" wait who's this ?" Violet blurted out

" wait. What do you mean he's a vampire under blades control. What the fuck did you see?" I asked frantically.

" ok ok sit down Olivia. Outside Dylan and kohl both attacked the witches. Flo the witch is on their side. She made Dylan a vampire and made him sired to blade. Ok which means basically blade is his master his one desire is to please and protect him. His humanity is gone"

For the first time in ages, I felt sad scared and I wanted to cry, my boyfriend was pretty much a evil vampires little bitch.

" how do we save him? And what happened to Katherine?"

" they killed her I seen it"

" my mother isn't dead"

" Holly shit Michael, I didn't even see you walk in" I said tears rolling down my face

" sorry Liv. No she may look dead but she's got a protection from the elders. If she's killed by supernatural she won't die. It's the same for me and my siblings. She'll come round. Where's her body?"

" it was gone by the time I got there"

" she would of got up and gone. She'll probably be back here soon. Everyone try and get some sleep" Michael said looking round at everyone.

" ok but that doesn't answer my question, Liv who the fuck is this vampire and why is he here?"

" calm down violet. He's my friend. A protector of witches vampire"

" Iv had enough of vampires for a life time....Wait Woah a protector Iv never met one before. Look man I'm sorry for my attitude towards you but Iv been kidnapped and hung from a ceiling by vampires for what felt like an eternity"

Ryan smiled " it's ok I can imagine your pain. Let's get some sleep and we can think of a plan tomorrow"

The Hidden secrets in New Orleans. Book1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt