Shes a new orleans witch

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" she's a New Orleans witch, she's protected! You will not get to her"

He just laughed at me sniggered like it meant nothing.

" do you think I blade Alexis doesn't know that Olivia Rhodes is a New Orleans witch? Come on witch. Surely you knew me better then that, love"

He walked closer to me " of course I know. Which makes me want her even more" he just shrugged his shoulders " more fun for me."

I pulled on the chains " you'll never get to her"

" ahh but your wrong, young one. I will and when I do I think death would be too kind. Hmm no I think being the thing she hates the most would suffice don't you? She'll be a vampire and all her witch powers will be gone. After all you simply can't be both witch and vampire it's a rare kind of breed"

" you wouldn't! And anyway Flos both. Maybe Olivia can be. And she'd be strong then ever.

He grinned the most evil grin " oh but I would. And then I'd make her turn off the switch and kill you and every witch in New Orleans. There's no way she'd be both"

He laughed, no no he roared with laughter like it was the most funniest thing ever, he was sick. Sick in the head.

" any who Violet. Sounds like Kobe and kohl are back with dylan. Time to set my next plan in motion"

He left, left me hanging here again. Alone.



I managed to bring down the protection spell enough for me to exit the safe house, there's no way I'm doing nothing while my family is trapped with that psycho, if he wants me then he can have me, I'm not letting anyone die to protect me.

Heading into the french quarter, it's like a needle in a haystack trying to find them. Where do I begin?

Walking up the street when someone grabbed my arm " why are you here?" Katherine said yanking my arm " silly girl!"

" Katherine how can I sit while a vampire has my cousin?"

" ok well Iv spoken with the Elders, we are to protect every witch. If we all go in Together we can take them down. The petals of roses are enough to keep a vampire down for a few minutes"

As we turned round to walk into the quarter to find the rest of the witches a familiar face runs into me
" Ryan what are you doing here?" I step back I didn't expect to see Dylan's best friend here.

" they've took Dylan. Blade and kohl have got him"

" vampire? Good vampire?" Katherine said looking Ryan up and down.

I laughed " no no Ryan's not a vampire. I'd know"

" well actually. Liv I am. I just didn't tell anyone not even Dylan. But I am one of the good ones. The protector of witches"

I shook my head a protector of witches? " I could do a location spell"

" it could be a trap" Katherine said looking around.

" I don't care it's how we find them and take them down"

Kathrine sighed " fine. Let's head back to the church clinic it's safe there"

" wait what about Ryan? He's a vampire?"

" yes he's a vampire. A ancient witch protector vampire. I know you have many questions. They are sent to areas to protect young witches they usually attend school and befriend the witch. Ryan was assigned to you and another girl at your school.they ensure no harm and help with powers once the witch
Knows of their power. They are good. Don't have human blood their diet is animal blood"

Interesting to know I can't believe Ryan's been a secret vampire all this time.

I look at Ryan who smiles and shrugs his shoulders
" I'm still your friend Liv. Let's go find our friend"

We head back to the church the voices arnt there and we walk through the church in silence, heading down to the clinic.

" ok. Liv I need to cut your hand and put blood on this map. Think of Dylan the blood will lead you to where he is. Are you ready?"

" yes but can you explain why I couldn't do this for Violet?"

" yes she's a witch. Witches can't be located, it's just the way it is. Witches need a connection so with you and Violet it was the necklace but since you can't feel her a witch has removed it off her neck, so they have a witch on their sides and my guess is Flo"

Katherine took my hand cutting it and pouring the blood over a map of New Orleans.

" let's hope theyve brought him to New Orleans."

Me and Katherine joined hands while mumbling the locator spell.

" there. Under the saint Ives grill. We need to be careful now with our moves"

" let's go"

The Hidden secrets in New Orleans. Book1Where stories live. Discover now