New orleans

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~Olivia POV~

Violet explained that if people see us who want to please blade, they'll tell him they've seen Alexandra and he'll come for her, she's been told he won't be too kind with me. Which to me sounds like he's probably going to kill me. She also told me that apparently Iv taken Alex from him and told her lies to turn against him. That guys got trust issues.

As we Arrived into New Orleans there was bands playing and people dancing down bourbon street, it was alive with the sound of singing and music playing.

We quickly entered a backstreet church, Anna carried an unconscious alex in her arms we needed to enter the church to go down the basement for the supernatural doctors.

I heard voices " she's not welcome. Leave now. Get her out. That baby is pure evil. Death to all witches. Evil, get her out. Blade alexis is coming. Death to you "

" don't listen just keep walking" my aunt Anna shouted

" it's the voices of the tormented witches killed here. Just keep walking" violet whispered as we both walked faster.

Finally reaching the doctors office in the basement, Anna quickly put alex on a bed, rushing over was 4 nurses " don't worry Liv, they are witches and vampire doctors. They take no sides. But will help her. We need to leave. Trust in the doctors"

I think she was right, I felt nothing but care for any living thing but it still felt wrong to leave her side.

" I'm not leaving" I said sitting down on the chair next to the bed.

" no no. Everyone must leave. Come back tomorrow and she'll be awake. I promise" the fattest witch doctor said smiling down at me. She had the most welcome Face.

" if anything happens to her. I promise I'll rain hellfire down on this place. Believe me new witch or not I'll figure out how." Then I ran, not because I was worried because I was but really I didn't want to hear those scary dead witches whispering again.

" well done back there you was kick arse. Now you've accepted your a witch your mind will start opening up to new spells and strengths. I'll teach you. You'll need to learn how to keep control. An angry new bitch can blow up a whole town. Trust me you will bring down hellfire Upon them they won't hurt her"

" come on the church is spelled to keep out any evil vampires I know a little bar that does the same. Kelly's bar it's called. Let's go girls"

Following violet and Anna into this bar, it was filled with other witches, I could sense them. But I could also sense the whispers they knew who I was. Not only the lost Rhodes witch but the one who's stolen blade alexis girl. I could laugh.

" they need telling you didn't steal nobody. It's getting ridiculous all the stares and whispers" I whispered to violet

" listen up. This here is my niece. I know your fellow witches know who my family are and what we're about. I can assure you the rumours are false. Blade alexis girl is her best friend and she hasn't kidnapped her like claims say. She left on her own free will. Now stop with your whispering about my niece and stop with your stares before I turn you all blind!" Anna shouted

Smiling and sitting down " there"

We ordered food and chatted for a while talking about our next move. When a small young girl around 17/18 walked up to our table.

" I'm sorry. I need to tell you something. I see death when I look at you miss Olivia. Not death as in dead dead. I see you as a vampire" the young girl said.

What was this place? Obsessed with death and vampires.

I stood up.

" that's it I'm going"

I quickly ran out of the bar and into the fresh air, the cold night air hitting my lungs, taking a deep breath the tears began to fall this was my breaking point now. I was scared. This time not only for my best friend but for me too.

The Hidden secrets in New Orleans. Book1Where stories live. Discover now