We will protect her

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~Olivia PoV~

Alexandra looked so much better today then she had been, the witches worked their magic to slow down the growth of the baby, we found out more information that the baby is full vampire which is unusual but has happened before and the witches have seen this happen.

We were going to a safe house which would be protected by a spell, the witches sensed danger around us they wasn't sure if it was danger from other witches, vampires or even blade himself.

I'd found out more interesting things about blade, how him and his family are part of this occult that hate humans and kill witches . I wondered why blade was never with his family, maybe just maybe there's good in him and that's why he's alone without them. But still he was a vampire and still a danger to us.


"Theres been a lead on them New Orleans I'm told. Ahh yes those witches interfering yet again, they hate that I kill witches so now they are conspiring against me and my child! I want them killed and the Rhodes witch. Find them Kobe you and Kohl need to leave head to New Orleans. And find them!!" I screamed throwing my glass at the wall.

I was never the one to control my temper anyway, and now I was raging all this because of that witch, she took her from me.

" I want Olivia Rhodes DEAD" by now I'm pacing the room my anger is bubbling over, yes I wasn't like my parents the occult they were in hated humans for killing vampires many years ago, but no no no it was witches I hated, they killed my two sisters Victoria and Alice now my hatred for witches My vengeance for them is huge, the Rhodes witch screwed me over I just like her dear Ancestor Jessie Rhodes did, I would of killed Olivia a long time ago if I knew she was a witch, this news of her being a Rhodes witch only makes me want to snap her neck like a twig even more.

Pouring myself another bourbon and sitting in my big chair in front of the fire, all I could think about was my Alexandra and our baby a boy I'm told, Olivia Rhodes has a lot to answer for, the glass shatters in my hand. See that's how mad she gets me.

I can't just sit here, I'm heading for New Orleans.. I have a feeling Katherine Hobren is responsible for hiding them she'll be the first one I eat.

I'm told there's this prophecy that says the Alexis family shall fall at the birth of my child, but that won't be happening.

~Alexandra Pov~

The safe house was beautiful that Katherine had brought us to, I was happy I had my best friend by my side and more importantly we was all safe, safe from the monster that Is Blade Alexis.

The thing was i still loved him, you can't stop loving someone instantly just because you find out they are a monster, it takes time to heal from that person i need this time to heal. The man I love kills witches for fun, how could I ever accept him knowing what he's done? My best friend is a witch, no there's no going back.

Settling into the new house me and Liv had chosen out rooms and it so happens violet is staying with us but Anna had to head back to town she was needed at the hospital, we had Katherine and the other supernatural doctors checking in on us making sure I'm fine and my boys fine, I can't wait to meet him Ambrose I was calling him it means Immortal which he is, so it has meaning.

Settling into my bed I was going to have a nap when Liv comes bouncing in " come on me and Violet are going to watch a film, we have popcorn!" She beamed trying to drag me off the bed.

" ok ok I'm coming" I laughed following her out the room and into the lounge area where the big tv was, it was huge the biggest tv I'd ever seen.

Snuggling down onto the big sofas trying to get comfy, Twilight we was watching I'm not sure if they were trying to be funny a human who falls in love with a vampire, either way it was my favourite movie.

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