In mourning we shall.

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~Katherine POV~

"I'm not so sure protecting this child is worth all this damage that beast has caused"

" mom you know this child will bring the end to The Alexis family. The prophecy will unfold once's he's born. We need to keep pushing to help Alexandra"

" son I know you've become close to her, but we can't keep protecting her like this. Look last night he ripped apart your sister. Yes she's alive luckily but everyone in flos bar is dead. What more can we do"

" your mother's right Michael, how many more shall die to protect them?" Cassandra said looking At Michael with forgiving eyes.

Michael is falling for Alexandra, he's been spending all his time at the safe house. Maybe it's not such a good idea to send him there.

" we need to mourn the lost witches from last night. There's a mourning parade for the dead tonight. We all go And show our respects. Then we can talk about what the next move is" I said before getting up and checking on Holly.

Luckily I have a protection spell on my children, I have five Michael 19, Holly 17, Ben 8, Luca 13 and Kasey 22, only Michael and Holly are witches which makes them easy targets for the alexis family, there legacy is to kill witches.

" we stay away from the safe house for a few days, Michael that means you too, just keep in contact by text. Incase your followed. Only use the transport spell if needed you know how you feel after it. You need more practice"

Transporter spell for a young witch can either kill them or knock them out for hours. Me as an elder witch I'm fine my body's adjusted to the change, but for a newer much younger witch the change can have a big impact, it's too much power and too much power can easily kill a witch.


~Alexandra Pov~

Michael had text me what happened last night, that's not the blade that I knew, I don't even know him he's a true monster, the law says no vampire is allowed to murder another but Michael said the Alexis family own the law nothing will happen to him, so that means no justice for the humans and witches he so savagely murdered last night. I felt sick.

Putting my hand on my huge stomach " I'll protect you from him. My darling boy"

Violet and Liv had left for town since the witches were staying away today, it was a day of mourning for the witches. They had to pay their respects.

Violet and Liv had more courage then anyone id ever met, there was a vampire witch killer psycho in town and they were still adamant they would go pay their respects. Them witches died because of me, protecting my son. I will forever be grateful. But nobody deserved to die.

Olivia and Violet had matching necklaces which were made from powerful witches as protection spells for the Rhodes witches, no harm would come to them if there wore them, so I felt a little better knowing they were somewhat safe.

Violet had been training with Liv, she's much stronger now and knows how to control her powers, I overheard a conversation that Liv can be very powerful once she's opened up to all her powers.

~Violet POV~

We had to head into the french quarter, to pay our respects to the fallen witches of last night, blade Alexis had murdered a bar full of witches and humans, because he couldn't handle his temper that nobody could help him get to Alexandra and her baby, not to mention he wants to kill me and Liv, so we have to be careful and quick.

We followed the music down into the quarter, first it was lively music to celebrate their life, then we would walk down the street in mourning.

I was walking next to Liv looking at the pictures laid out, pictures of the witches who'd sadly been murdered, young girls Barely teenagers savaged by a vampire he was a monster. Flower petals were lay out all around the pictures with candles lit, it looked beautiful.

I looked up and seen a woman crying she looked like she was bleeding, she ran down an alley way.
" I'll be back Liv"
Liv just made an acknowledged noise as if she heard me but was too busy to actually say anything.

I ran after this woman " please wait, are you hurt?"

The woman ran near the wall and turned around

" Flo right?" I said slowly approaching her.

" I'm so sorry"

"What for?"

She grabbed my arms and put shackles on " for this. she's Yours boys. I'm truly sorry" she said then ripped my necklace from my neck.

Only a witch can remove my necklace. Why would another witch want to remove my protection spell necklace?

" what? My necklace! What's going on?"

She quickly ran out the alleyway

I tried to do magic to stop the men walking towards me.

" Violet, it won't work. The shackles stop your magic" a males voice said

" the Alexis brothers I presume. Dumb And dumber ay?" I said laughing

One went To lunge for me.

" easy now Kobe" another male said walking towards me

" hi witchy woo. I'm Blade. Now you can work with me and you'll live. Decide to work against me and you'll die" psycho blade said walking closer and closer.

" have some respect for the witches of New Orleans, we are in mourning!" I shout

" oh come on Violet your not even from New Orleans so your just a witch not a witch of New Orleans. Your very valuable. Your a Rhodes witch. To get to Olivia I will go through you"

I spit on the floor " fuck off disgusting vampire"

" brothers. Bring her to the room"

The Hidden secrets in New Orleans. Book1Where stories live. Discover now