The pack

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~Katherine~ 2 days later

The baby was born, a healthy little boy. A wolf with a silent vampire side. how could that be when the child's father is a vampire? Well you see the elders and I spelled Alexandra before she gave birth. The child is a wolf the vampire side is dormant unless broken, and to be broken The child must die before full adult age or broken by magic but needs the most powerful of witches to break.

" Michael, I did something to protect us all "

" what did you do mother?" Michael asked looking at me curiously

" I spelled the child. He won't be a vampire unless he dies before adult" I wasn't going to tell anyone that It can be broken by a spell nobody needs to know but Myself and the elders.

Michael nodded " you did what needed to be done mother. The wolf side, she needs her pack. I did my research she's from the Shadow Pack up north they are Arriving soon. Also mom you didn't pick up on her parents are not her real parents. She's adopted her parents are wolves. They want to meet her"

" no son the spell to hide Alexandra's wolf side hidden everything the power of the witch was greater. We need to wake Alexander before her pack gets here it's a lot for her to take In"

Alexandra had been out since the c section two days ago. I lot had happened in two days. The elders were reaching witches far and wide, to come and help. The war was starting between the vampires, the witches even witches against witches, the power hungry witch that is Florence, the New Orleans witch who turned her back on her sisters.

We needed help to protect Olivia, Florence had her for power, the necklace. Blade Alexis killed more witches sending a message, that this was not over. Wait until he finds out us, the witches of New Orleans have turned his child's vampire side off. All hell will break loose and we need to be prepared.

At least for now, we are protected in my clinic under the church.



Waking up and looking around the room , there was Katherine holding my baby, rocking him. Ambrose my darling boy.

Sitting on slowly, " can I hold him?"

Katherine Nodded and smiled, passing me my son.

" Ambrose Jones. My beautiful boy" I said looking down at this beautiful baby, he looked like his father unfortunate for him, I chuckled to myself.

" You are strong enough now. I need to speak to you Alexandra. About your wolf side " Katherine said sitting down next to me

Oh yes. I'd forgotten about that.

" where's Michael?" I asked changing the subject.

" he's gone to meet your pack. You see alex. Your a wolf so is Ambrose. There are other wolves who care about you. As a wolf you belong to a family"

I shook my head
" no no no! How could this be? I'd know. My mother or father don't look like wolves!"

This man and woman walked into the room, with Michael behind. They put their hands to their mouth as if in shock. The woman hugged the man sobbing into his chest.

I looked between them to Michael and then to Katherine, who then stepped in " Alexandra please listen. These are your real parents Carlisle and Serena. They are like you, a wolf"

I was speechless.

" I know this is a shock to you. Ben and Sarah adopted you from us.I had your wolf side protected spelled by A witch. It wasn't safe for you. We was threatened by the Alexis family, it was safer for you to be with a human family" the woman said Serena

" please we are Carlisle and Serena Adolpha. You are Alexandra Adolpha. Your son is our grandchild" the man said, stepping forward.

" ok enough family reunion. I need to find my best friend" I'd had enough of them now I wanted to find Olivia now.

" calm down alex. There's things happening to get Olivia and we don't need you kicking off and ruining things. Just talk to your parents" Michael snapped at me. Never has Michael spoken to me like that.

I inhaled to stop myself from snapping back.

" fine mom and dad go on" sarcasm laced my voice. These arnt my mom and dad, maybe by blood but that's it.

" we are from the wolf pack called shadow, it goes back thousands of years. I'm the Alpha of the pack which means I rule everything your mother is the queen, everyone loves her it's down to us to lead the pack. We would like It if you and our grandson would join us. We need to help you and Ambrose control the wolf within" Carlisle said

" I want to be alone" I said looking between Michael my mom and dad. " please leave"

They all nodded and left the room. Ambrose was fast asleep in my arms, he is all I need not some pack or some random strangers who claim to be my parents.

One thing was nagging at my Conscience, I thought they said he was full vampire? I need answers

" Katherine. Katherine!!" I shouted

Katherine came running in looking worried.

" tell me Katherine. I thought Ambrose was full vampire?"

" I thought so too. He's half wolf half human. He's like you"

I just nodded, I felt something wasn't right like she's keeping something from me, and soon I'll find out what.

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