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A new born attacked me, I managed to crawl away what the vampires don't know, is that I won't die by the hand of any supernatural creature.

I know this vampire is after Olivia, I sensed it.

This vampire was made to kill, new born vampires are stronger for the first month while human blood still pumps through their body. I felt all the good in this new blood had gone, all humanity vanished away. No good will come of this new born, he killed Cassandra and Juliette unfortunately they are dead and have no protection order they weren't a elder not yet anyway.

Iv come back to the clinic I know I'm safe here, i need to gain some strength before I teleport back to the safe house.



" how can you be so fucking stupid? Olivia was here and not only that Violet got away. I should kill you right bloody now kohl!"

My brothers were clearly incompetent idiots, I went out for five minutes. At least Iv got Dylan the boyfriend, under my spell now that could lure Olivia out of hiding. It's not easy here New Orleans is run by witches I will kill every witch around here until I get what I want.

" what shall we do blade?"

" we wait now. Wait for my orders. Olivia will come looking for Dylan. She'll think she can fix his humanity" I scoffed, I knew better there was no way of fixing it.

" I'm going to head back to town, for olivias dad. If she thinks I'm a threat to him. She'll come back to town and not forgetting it's also Katherines brother. It'll bring all the witches out then we kill them all. Not Olivia I want her for something else"

Kobe and kohl nodded in unison " you two stay here keep watch on Dylan"

I made my way back to town, I didn't want to hurt John he was Lillians father and accepting of vampires. Maybe I didn't have to hurt him if Olivia played her cards right..

~Holly(Katherines daughter)~

I have a gift, I see the future sometimes it's blocked and I can only see little pieces and some times I see everything. Right now I see my uncle John being in danger, Blade is after him now to get to Olivia. I need to tell mom.

I quickly close my eyes and teleport to the safe house.

Stumbling back hitting my back off the floor and slowly opening my eyes, wow it worked.

Searching the house for my mom, but she's not here I don't sense her anywhere.

" Holly? What are you doing here. It's not safe to teleport"

" no Michael listen.." but that's when it hit, the darkness came. Knocking me unconscious, all I could hear was Michael screaming for help. He was right i'm too weak for a transportation spell...

5Days later

Slowly opening my eyes, my head was pounding I still felt weak not fully alert of my surroundings.

" Holly Holly, your awake" my mom said grabbing my hand

" mom what happened?" I said trying to sit up.

" Your powers are not yet strong enough for a transport spell, your body just gave in. You've been unconscious for 5 days"

I shot up " what! 5 days? Where's Michael, Olivia, uncle John?" I said panicked

" don't worry sweetheart Ryan read your thoughts. We got to John before blade could. Olivia knows we are her family" mom said smiling down at me

I felt relief wash over me. Thank god.

" where's Olivia?" I asked looking around the room.

My mom wouldn't look at me, she kept her eyes to the floor.

" Flo has her. She's working against the vampire but also us. We don't know where she's taken her"

" mom what the hell happened while I was unconscious?"

Flashback ~in Olivia Pov~

" don't panic Olivia, blades going after your father" Ryan said to me, while walking closer to me.

Before he could say anything else, I closed my eyes and thought of the town, but then I remembered I can only transport around New Orleans I'm a new witch for goodness sake!

But the transport took me somewhere else, opening my eyes I'm in a bar, flos bar. Looking around the place it was still trashed from when blade killed all those witches.

" well well my spell worked. Hello Olivia" a voice said from behind me, I knew very well it was flos.

" what do you want? Taking me to blade are you? Why turn your back on the witches?" I asked frozen to my spot.

Flo laughed " fuck the witches where were they when the vampires slaughtered my whole family? No I'm not taking you to blade. I want you for my own reasons. After all your the protected Rhodes witch"

Before I could say anything Flo ran to me " sleep"
Darkness consumed me...

End of flashback.

" so you see Holly. Flo tricked her. She's got her for her own selfish reasons. Against the witches. Flo knows she's special"

" mom you have no idea the things she's planning. The Rhodes necklace, it's got more meaning then we know. Her mother came me to me when I was sleep. That's why I asked where she was"

" Holly what do you know?"

The Hidden secrets in New Orleans. Book1Where stories live. Discover now