Lone Wolf

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The baby was going to come any day now, the witches could no longer stop the growth. He was coming wether I was ready or not.

Florence had taken Olivia but we didn't know where, Olivia Katherine holly and violet were Coming up with a plan. Anna, who is Violet and Olivias aunt is on her way to help, we just hope Flo isn't working with blade.

All I wanted to do was lounge around I was tired all the time, so everyone else is sat at the table discussing Olivia while I lay on the sofa watching Netflix, I mean I'm not much help I'm pretty much full term pregnant wise I can't do anything and I'm only human.

I looked over to the table and holly's frozen in place staring in front of her, I knew she was having a vision.

" Holly what do you see?" I jumped up to Holly.

Holly looked around at everyone. " it's Olivia. I know why Florence wants her"

" why Holly? Tell me" I said sitting down next to her, I was eager to find out if my best friend was ok.

" Violet what do you know about the necklace you both have?" Holly asked Violet pointing to her necklace.

" well it connects us to each other once we met anyway. And mine protects me from dying if killed by supernatural force anyway. It's a protected necklace nothing can hurt us when we wear it. Our mothers had a powerful witch spell it. Why?"

" ok olivias necklace holds a greater power. Her necklace turns her into a heretic if she dies while wearing the necklace. So she would be both vampire and witch. Flo wants the necklace and needs Olivia to turn witches into vampires and be both. If they have her necklace on and she holds their hands they can be turned into heretics but in order to complete that they need to taste her blood. I seen Olivia be killed for power" Holly said fear laced her voice as she looked at every single one of us.

I went cold. My best friend will not die.

I stood up and walked out into the hallway and screamed the loudest I'd ever screamed. The house shook. What the fuck was that?

I opened the door, and walked and walked. How did I get out? The whole house was spelled?


" Woah. I don't think Alexandra is human. That scream well roar rocked the house. I think she's got wolf origins Iv thought that for a while"

" wouldn't you know mom?" Holly asked me while walking to the window " mom the spells down"

" what how? And no I wouldn't know if it's been spelled to keep her from turning " I said while walking over. Omg it's down her scream brought the spell down.

" Alexandra, quick she's gone"

I checked all over the house, she's gone. She's gone to find Olivia I know it.

" mom what did you mean about alex being a wolf?"

" Michael don't worry I'll find out. I think olivias mom has spelled her wolf side but I'll find out. She can't be a banshee it's got to be wolf that scream was a roar. Don't worry son we'll find her and find out what she is"

" ok it's not safe to venture out. We need to do a location spell girls. Grab something that belongs to alex"

Grabbing Alexandra's belongings and starting the location spell, she's in the french quarter. Silly girl.

The Hidden secrets in New Orleans. Book1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora