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~Olivia Pov~

So it's been 5 days and Alexander hasn't been in school and she's not answering her phone, great that means I'll need to head over to blades house.

Heading out to my car when Lillian shoulder barges  past me " hey have you seen Alex?"

" she's with Blade. Her bumps growing faster then it should. You should head over"  Lillian said before heading  back into the house.

What does that even mean? I thought they grew at the same rate  as a full human baby.

Quickly heading Over to the house I was worried now for Alex obviously.

Entering the house, the usual scenes  in front of me, more RedBlood bottles all over the floor. I checked all downstairs and I couldn't find Alexander. Then I heard voices coming from the basement, walking over to the  door and  listening closely, it was two voices one was definitely blades and the other was a female I didn't recognise;

Blade: don't be so ridiculous of course I do. You know I do . It won't work

Female : Just take the child and we can be together. Please I love you.

The talking stopped shit they probably heard me, jumping back and running up the  stairs. Omg blade wanted to keep the baby for himself and some other bitch!

Running up the stairs I hear sobbing, following the cries into another room, it was Alexandra.

" Alex! What's wrong" running to her side, her belly looked like she was 9 months.

Alex wiped her tears away " the baby. He's growing at an alarming rate. He's measuring 6 months he's growing too fast. And and And  Blade has been so horrible. I want to leave. Now! Liv please take me away" Alex sobbed  into her hands.

I quickly pack some bags for alex, I knew blade wouldn't let her leave. He's possessive and if he wants    the baby  for himself and some girl then he definitely won't let her leave without handing over the baby.

We quickly exit the house as quietly as we can. Luckily  Iv got enough money in  my account to last a month or so.

Driving and driving until we were both sleepy.
How could she get herself in this mess with a bloody cold one. I shook my head only  Alexandra  Jones could do this. Silly girl.

I sent a quick text to let Dylan know I was going on a road trip and to not worry he won't hear off me for a month but I'll be alive and well. Then I threw my phone. I'm doing this for my best friend. We need to run away from Blade and hide, it will be hard everyone knows the big bad Blade.



She's been missing now for 6 weeks Iv looked for her far  and wide, they'll not get far. It came to my attention that Olivia was snooping at the basement and told My darling Alex a pack of lies. You see that night I had Pearl  my love from over  100 years ago begging for me to love her, to take mine and Alex's child and raise it together but I was simply telling her I do love Alex and it wouldn't work between me and her, Olivia didn't let me finish and now she's made me lose my true love Alex, We had planned  to turn  her after the birth of our child, we had plans for the future. Liv will pay for this when I get my hands on her. They'll be hell to pay, and believe me I'll find her I know I will I know enough  people  right across America and Europe to capture them both.

Death would be too kind..

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