This strange little town

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~Olivia POV~

"Well it turns out upon speaking to Violet her family own the little diner, and well Iv got the job without a interview! I start tomorrow"

" wait wait, who's Violet again?"

" wow Alex you really don't listen do you. I'm glad your awake anyway " I said laughing nudging her

She smiled " I remember the girl who's basket you knocked over?..." Alex said before he eyes starting rolling back.

Alex fell to the floor fitting. I couldn't help but freak out.

" Alex Alex Alexander. Omg omg omg"

Alex was unresponsive she wasn't moving.

I dialled 911 panicking. Waiting for the ambulance.

I sat across from my best friend, the operator told me to make sure she keeps breathing. I feel panicked. What's wrong with alex is her body rejecting the baby? This has never happened before she was pregnant. It's half vampire maybe her body doesn't want it. Omg I don't know.

I sat watching her chest rise carefully, tucking my knees up to my chest. I was scared, scared for my best friend. Yes she was breathing but she wasn't conscious and that scared me.

After sometime finally the paramedics came running in, 3 or 4 surrounding her while 1 came to talk to me asking me all sorts of questions, I couldn't tell them how many weeks pregnant she were because I don't know her belly is much bigger, I felt helpless and sad for her.

We've been in the hospital for 4 days and Alex still hadn't woken up, they did a scan and said she's nearly full term. I didn't tell them that she's only around 12 weeks human time, what the hell was this child?

I'd been going to work, mainly to keep a roof over our heads while she's in here, I'd work come here work come here for the past 4 days I was exhausted but I need to make sure I was here, you know Incase she woke up.

I was doing a night shift at the diner tonight with Violet, i really liked her we'd grown as friends in the last few days.

I was entering the back entrance to the diner, when I seen Violet in the kitchen, all the lights went out bloody power cut, " lux ignis" Violet pointed to the candles and they all lit in the kitchen, I stepped back knocking into the bins, my eyes widened when they met with violets panicked face " come on we need to talk."

"Sit down Liv don't worry" Violet pointed to the chair.

Come on vampires are real, witches could be, I mean it's not impossible is it? Am I going crazy? Who knows.

" what did you see back there, Olivia?"

"Everything" I said looking down at the floor.

" I'm a witch. This town is a witch town. You did not just stumble here. Do you know why?"

I shook my head, " why?"

" because only witches and warlocks can find this town and unlock its power and enter with a non witch together , that's how Alexandra was able to pass through"

I scowled at her. What is alex a witch? No surely not.

" Olivia, your a witch. I sensed it the first day I met you"

I laughed but Violet just looked at me.

" oh your serious"

" your blocked, close your mind. And say lux ignis to this candle"

I frowned at her. She's crazy.

" lux ignis" I pointed to the candle laughing

" no. No. Liv. Close your eyes. Relax free your mind. Clear your mind. Breath in and out. Think clearly. Then try again"

I inhaled and exhaled, calmed myself relaxed my shoulders. This was dumb but it's worth a try.

" lux ignis" . Holy shit. All the candles in the room lit.

" well your stronger then I thought. What's your second name?"

"Rhodes. Why?"

Violet smiled " I thought so. Your my cousin. We're from the same bloodline. I'm Violet Rhodes. My mom is well was your moms sister. I'm sorry about your mom. By the way Liv."

" I have that same necklace" I said pointing to her exact same necklace as mine

" oh yes our mothers made them, they have different protection spells. They were made so we can feel connected and now we've met we will always feel connected as long as we both have them on. We need to be careful some people want the power of out necklaces. But that's for another day I'll explain some other time. But Olivia be careful"

This was all too much.

" I need to go"

I quickly left I heard Violet shouting after me. I'd heard too much my head was heavy I needed to check on Alexandra.

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