Hidden agender

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She's asking questions, she's a clever girl she knows when somethings not right, I don't need to lie to her, I know she will agree with what Iv done but for her own safety I don't want her to be aware at what we've done in order to protect the witches.

Iv been made aware that blaze knows his son is born and that he's half wolf with no trace of vampire in him, I'm told he's doubting he's the father good, that's what I was hoping for. I need the prophecy to come true without blade in the child's life perhaps it will come true. Maybe blade will leave New Orleans now he's doubting the child's his blood..

I need holly to tell me what else she sees, she's nowhere to be found, where is this daughter of mine?


" how can this child be mine? Florence" I screamed down the phone, that bloody witch has been avoiding me for weeks, god knows why.

" I smell witches involvement blade. That child's yours believe me. Somethings not right"

" I want them all dead! How did nobody know she's a werewolf?, Florence they are our natural born enemies"

The phone went dead. My anger is bubbling. I launched the phone at the wall, the wall cracked along with the phone. agghhhhhhhhh those bloody witches!!!!

I ran into the french quarter, in hunt for some witches I was fucking angry, angry at the witches they were against me. I would rip every single New Orleans witch apart.

I grabbed a young witch from behind ripping into her neck savouring the taste, then another and another until there was bodies lined up against the curb. My eyes were red with the love of witch blood mixed with my anger. The blood all over my chin and clothes. Witches could be heard gasping and screaming " anyone else dare to fucking piss blade alexis off? I'll rip your bloody throat out"

Stopping looking around, some witches were coming towards me, I quickly sped off I'm faster then they are.

Running down a alley way when Florence appeared.
" I know something. Calm down and follow me"

Wiping my chin and following Florence down a side street and down some steps into a back room.

" this better not be a trap Florence"

" it's not. Look I don't have long the elders are tracking me. Katherine Hobren has spelled your child. He's wolf like Alexandra. I'll tell you about that later but you need to hear this. Your sons vampire side has been spelled just like Alexandra's wolf side was. I still need to find out more"

" what how do you know?"

" let's just say. The daughter has come to the dark side"

" wait what, which daughter?"

" Holly. She had an argument with her mom and now she's come to the dark side. Telling me everything"

" I thought I'd killed her. Good maybe she can spy. I still need to find Olivia Rhodes"

" look I need to go. I'll call you if I have anymore information"

She was gone. Now I was raging. I needed to see Alexandra and I wanted to meet my son. I was fucking angry this is why I was deemed a monster, I was never like my family I didn't kill witches for fun, but then they turn the one person I loved against me and do this to my son, take away his vampire side, this makes me want to kill every single one of these bloody witches!!

The Hidden secrets in New Orleans. Book1Where stories live. Discover now