Witch bloodline

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~Olivia POV~

Waking up feeling the pain shoot straight to my back. Ouch. I stretched keeping my eyes shut before th light hit them. I'd stayed at the hospital last night everything Violet had told me, shook me to my core it was too much at one time to handle.

Opening my eyes I see Violet stood over Alexander.

" woah what are you doing?"

" relax. I work here weekends. I'm checking on her. But there's something you need to know. Why she's like this. He's after her also. And you. I see it"

" what. Who? Tell me? "

" she'll stay unconscious until she leaves this town. That baby. Blade Alexis baby. He's full vampire, and vampires are not welcome here even if they are babies. I'm sorry but they'll both die if she doesn't leave here soon"

" what! Alexandra is human. How is the baby full vampire?"

She stands back from the bed " I don't know Liv, we need to leave the town and get her to a supernatural doctor ASAP or they'll both die. I'll speak to my aunt she's the head of the hospital. Come with me she's your aunt too. Another sister"

" I'll come but not for any family reunion, it's for Alex"

Violet nods " follow me"

We head to the far end of the hospital, Violet knocks on the door which read Dr Anna Rhodes.

Walking into the big office, was this woman who looked like my mom, only younger.

This woman stood up " Holly shit. Olivia?"

I nodded, the woman ran to me and thrown her arms around me.

" why didn't I know about you lot, my witch side?"

" when your mom died, it was your fathers decision to keep it from you. You have a lot of family in this town. You would of been drawn here without realising it. Your mom wanted to introduce you to the witch world once you turned 18" the woman said with a soft smile.

" ok we will talk family later. Violet explain the situation with Anna "

" ok Anna sit down, Livs friend is the missing woman and child who the vampire world are going crazy over. But that's not the only problem. The baby is full vampire and Alexandra and the baby are dying because vampires are not welcome. She's been unresponsive now for nearly a week. We need to get them to a supernatural doctor ASAP"

I seen her eyes widen in shock.

" Blade alexis will kill anyone who's involved with them, as your auntie my advice would be to drop them off at the boarder to find them themselves it's vampire business but as a doctor I'm willing to help you get to New Orleans where the supernatural doctor is. We need to be quick. Come on let's go"

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