Hit the Road

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~Alexander POV~

I was growing this tiny Human, only it didn't feel Human I was externally exhausted to the point I couldn't even get out of bed, I was throwing up all day everyday my bump was growing faster then a normal pregnancy even one which carried half vampire neither me nor Olivia knew what was happening or even what to do, the only thing I knew was protecting my child from it's father, there was no way I'd allow him to take my child and raise it with another woman, I'd die before I let that happen.

Laying in bed in the motel room we were staying at, I was sweating and seeing images in my head what is this memories? I don't know I can feel myself falling unconscious.

~Olivia POV~

I'd left poor alex in bed she was absolutely exhausted this pregnancy wasn't going very well, I called to the shops to grab some bits of food and essentials I had an interview later for a waitress at the local diner.

we were a long way from foldsmill, 700 miles west of Texas away from that cold hearted town everywhere I looked i expected to see blade, I thought he'd of hunt us down by now it's been 6 weeks roughly and we was running out of my money, I just hope I get this waitress job.

This town was called Grantwood it was quiet no vampires which was strange, everyone was happy and would speak to you.

Walking down the baby isle looking at baby blankets when I accidentally bumped into someone knocking the shopping basket all over the floor, " I'm sorry I'm such a clumsy fool" I began picking her shopping up " no no don't worry" she finished putting the items back into the basket, but wait i'M sure she just magically put a few items in her basket with her finger, I literally rubbed my eyes I'm definitely seeing things now, the girl smiled at me " Is every thing ok?" She said staring back at me but I just stared at Her she must of thought I was a right dork " hello?" The Girl laughed " sorry yes i'm Olivia" I said shaking my head putting my hand out " welcome to town, your definitely new. Arnt you" the girl said back " yes we are, erm I didn't catch your name?" The girl looked around " oh sorry I'm Violet."

Violet seems Different, I don't think I was seeing things or maybe I was? I really don't know...

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