The necklace

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~Olivia POV~

" come on wake up sleepy head. The spell should of warn off by now" Flo said poking my head

I was awake I just didn't want to let her know, I didn't want to see what fresh hell awaits me.

" wake up!" Flo shouted kicking the chair

Fuck it, opening my eyes it seems I'm tied to a chair.

" what are you doing this for Flo?"

Flo looked at me and smiled " oh come on surely you've figured this out? For power obviously"

" power? What power does having me hold?"

" oh. You don't know?" Flo laughed swinging the necklace around in her hands

I automatically went to my neck where the necklace should be. " give it back"

" no. I need it"

I rolled my eyes " what could you possibly want my family necklace for?"

" I'll explain you clearly don't know what your necklace does. Your necklace as long as your wearing it you cannot die by supernatural force, it protects you with such great power but only you. You see your mother wanted you to live forever so if you die you come back as a vampire and keep your powers again only if your wearing it now there's a loop hole just like all magic. This necklace if worn by another witch and they die then they come back as both vampire and witch so I think you understand why I want it?"

I shook my head " but your already both?"

" exactly. I want my own army of heretics, All it takes is for me to put the necklace on the witches you hold their hands I feed them my blood. then boom they awaken as both"

What.the.fuck. " but why Flo?"

Flo walks up and down staring at me " well you see. The witches killed my family. I want to be powerful control the witches so ill create my own powerful army and take over New Orleans. The elders have whats coming to them"

" your crazy"

Flo laughed " that maybe true. But I'll get my revenge" Flo said dragging me from the chair
" for now you'll he cloaked and hidden, the witches and blade will want you. But I'm not a monster, not to you anyway, you mother was my friend so you'll sleep comfortably. Enjoy your room"

Flo pushed me into a room, I ran to the door "let me out" but the door simply vanished.

" oh btw your powers won't work in this room" flos voice could be heard.

Looking around the room there was no windows and now no door, the room had a big bed which surprisingly looked really comfy there was a huge tv. In the corner there was a fridge with drinks and snacks in. Well at-least I won't starve.

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