Lost in London

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Sat alone, head in her knees, a crumpled, crying mess completely unaware of who would happen to fly by...

"Is everything ok m'lady?"
She stood abruptly and started, shocked by the voice beside her, finding an average height, firey haired, almond eyed, pretty boy covered in leaves,
"I don't want to talk to anyone- i'm fine."
She slides back down the wall she was sat leaning against.

"Absolutely not, what kind of a man, leaves a lady in distress?"
Winking as she looks up at him, he is still leaning against the post on the left of hers.
"I asked to be left alone!" Flatly responding, she wipes her tears and soon feels a rising frustration, "I do not need saving, especially from a stranger such as yourself!"
"Well that was harsh," he stands from leaning and arrogantly strolls towards her, "Just tell me what's wrong, maybe I can help?" With a flirty tone he takes another step towards her.

"I said I don't want to speak-" stepping back without realising the edge is right behind her, the corner crumbles and she is let from the bell towers ledge, she let outs a sharp shriek watching the concrete get fruther and further away.

The clock strikes 11:00 sounding throughout all of London, the cobblestone rapidly approaching, she's slams her eyes shut praying for a last hope. The tearing gusts of wind rip through her ears, knotting each strand of her wild blonde hair. Panic surges through her before she tenses her arms feeling another pair wrap around her waist, sending butterflies pulsating through her tight lungs catching her breath.

Opening her eyes in disbelief she finds herself in that annoyingly persistent boys from above.
"What was that about not needing saving?" He asks smirking.
"Thank you for that," she replies as she releases herself from his arms, falling from a higher height than she had expected, once landing she glances back at him causing him to shoot a attemptful charming smile, she look away and forbidding herself from falling victim to his charm.

Distracted, she soon realises that he is floating in mid air and so was she previously. Trying to get her words out, they clump in her throat leaving her speechless.
"Captured by me, m'lady?"

Finally finding her voice she demands answers, "How are you doing that?! What is this, a trick?!" You shoot him with questions, floating down slowly he tries to explain, "Magic."

He throws another unreassuring smile, you raise an eyebrow not believing a word he is saying as he rambles on about where he is from, fairies, magic dust and pirates.

"...In Neverland the Fairies create dust, pixie dust which is what makes us fly..."

"...I'm leader of the lost boys, we do whatever we want, whenever we want..."

"...Then there are the pirates which hate us and are always trying to fight us..."

"...The mermaids, scull rock, crocodiles in the creek are all extra details I'll explain later, did I forget to mention that you don't grow up in Neverland..."

"Im Peter Pan by the way," he holds his hand out to shake yours but you find yourself lost for words again and don't acknowledge him, you can't believe what you have heard finding it magical and like a dream, but then the fantasy fades and you begin to think it's too good to be true.

"Don't leave me hanging," he lowers his hand and tilts his head to read your expression, "what's wrong? You don't like the sound of that?"
"I love the sound of that," his faces lights up as the words leave your mouth, but drops in a instant, "but..."

"But how do I know your not making it all up?"
"Let me show you, let me prove to you it's real, that way you get to see a fantasy turn a reality, and in return, you at least owe me a chat for saving your life, what do you say?"

You think about it wondering what's the worst that could happen but before you think of the first reason to turn him down, "let's start again, I'm Peter Pan, do we have a deal m'lady?" He offers his hand to shake again, you glance down and decide to give in to the pleading look he was giving you, "It's Milly, Milly Greenacre and yes we have a deal."

You sigh and take his hand to shake but to your surprise he pulls you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you and lifting you into the cold night sky, giving you no choice but to throw your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist, you catch him smirking and warn him but before he can answer you look down and find out how high up you are, without a second thought you grip him tighter and nestle your head into his warm neck.

"Hey, your ok, I've got you." He assures you,
for once it comforts you enough to look him in his deep almond eyes and drift away as he holds you approaching slowly the second star to the right, straight on till morning...

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