Still both in love

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A pounding in your head wakes you as you squint your eyes not aware of where you are. Surrounding you was bright green strands of vegetation and dotted around you were little patches of daisies.

Trying to sit, the headache gets progressively worse and the faint memories were slipping in and out. You gave Elijah a l@p dance? You sn0gged Tiger Lily? There were str!ppers and alcohol, lots of it as well.

Trying to recall more, you can't as the horrible feeling in your head restricts you and you focus on getting to your feet. Once you are, you observe the surrounding landscape and don't recognise where you are.

Wanting to find out, you begin walking towards a cliff overlooking the calm salty sea, scoping the area out. Sitting down crossed legged by the edge, you take a moment to relax and let yourself settle and not really thinking about your current issue. The waves ripple and slowly move to the morning breeze rhythm, brushing your cheeks softly.

(Ophelia by The Lummineers playing)

I, I, when I was younger
I, I, should have known better
And I can't feel no remorse
And you don't feel nothing back

(Instrumental short section)

Picking pieces of grass looking down at it as it blew in the wind, you take deep breaths in the calming situation. Starting to feel much more relaxed, you begin to regain concentration to the problem at hand.

I, I, got a new girlfriend
She feels like he's on top
And I don't feel no remorse
And you can't see past my blinders

(Music starts to become quite background music as going into chorus)

Just when you need help at the most confusing time, a voice your always delighted to hear calls after you, "I've found you, at last!"
"Oh my gosh Peter am I glad to see you," throwing your arms around him as you meet, he engages back in the hug.

"What are you doing out here?" He asks.
"I, I slept here," you say a little embarrassed but amused when a grin forms across his face.

(While walking around, music covers the conversations and shows you just having a good time from different angles)

Honey I love you, that's all she wrote
Oh, Ophelia
You've been on my mind girl like a drug
Oh, Ophelia
Heaven help a fool who falls in love
Oh, Ophelia
You've been on my mind girl since the flood
Oh, Ophelia
Heaven help a fool who falls in love
Oh, Ophelia
You've been on my mind girl like a drug
Oh, Ophelia
Heaven help a fool who falls in love

(End of song)

"So, your not happy you got a l@p dance off Lily?" You say trying to understand his point of view.
"No, it's not I didn't like it, it's that I was supposed to be over the moon, thinking about her and what a pleasure it is. But, I wasn't, I was thinking... about you." He pauses creating a silence so deadly it was dreading to be filled, "thinking about all the things I wanted to do to you, how much I wanted you. You all round and you in general,"

Shocked by his confessions, you step back giving you space to breath and take it in. It shouldn't have shocked you like it did, I mean the amount of times the same thing has happened, you would think you would be more prepared for things like this to occur.

"But, I know, we are best friends so it can't happen," remembering what you said, it makes you happier knowing he still respects your decision, "however, it's like I said, I will always love you,"

You give him a hug before quietly responding in his ear, "I wish it could be this way," pulling out to face his and look him in his deep indulging eyes, "but it can't Peter,"

"I know."


"Elijah!" Calling out for him as you step onto his ship.
"Stand still." A crew members oh don't recognise from before holds a sword to your neck as you stand there puzzled on the deck, "wrong side of the island miss?"

"No." Someone clears there throat at the crew member, you find it's Elijah leaning on his cabin doorframe, "she absolutely is not, now lower your damn sword,"
He does so and apologies before heading below to carry out whatever duties he had. Meanwhile you say hello to Elijah, "hey there handsome,"

Raising his eyebrow at you, you brush past him and place your wooden crate full of harvested fruits, "brought me breakfast?"
"Certainly did, what a good-"
He cuts you off and tries to finish your sentence the way he wants it to be but knows it won't be, "girl friend? I know,"
"Friend." You tell him before hurrying back past him still at the door frame, "I must be getting back though, got stuff to do you know,"

Blocking your way by putting his arm across the door frame, he winds you up with that smirk you so fondly remember plastered across his face. "Don't be a d!ck,"
"Oh come on what's the rush? What things have you got to do?" He questions it because he knows it's an excuse and your not busy at all.

Ignoring him, you try to escape by going under his arm but he lowers it and knocks you on the top of the head. It didn't hurt but it was annoying and what made it so much better was him laughing his head off. Not concentrating on blocking your way anymore, he loosens his grip on the frame and you shove past running out.

He soon stops laughing and runs after you, much faster than you, he catches up and grabs you around the stomach, not hurting you and only joking around.

Breaking free from him, you fly up with the pixie dust Peter gave you earlier on and stick your tongue out rubbing it in the fact you escaped, "cya later loser!" You call out before flying off.

Today has taught you that they are both still in love, neither of them will stop fighting for you and your going to lead this on too long and that's not fair but if you pick, someone is going to get hurt and you don't want to see that. Something has to change.

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