Defending the enemy

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"Eli!" You call out after him. When he ignores you, you follow him into the cabin.

"Why did you defend him after what he did to you and mine and his rivalry?"
"I didn't defend him,"
"You did. And it's weak."
"No I didn't! I just thought it was too harsh!"
"Yes and that's weak," he stands up to you, both challenging each other, "what, do you miss him or something? Is that what it is?"
"No are you jealous or something?"
"No, I'm not!"
He raises his voice at you and walks towards you, making you go backwards.
"Oh really? Is that why your so bothered I stopped you from being a murderer!"
You reach the wall and are backed up against it, "being a pirate means killing people," he says in a hushed voice, almost ashamed.
"Well then I don't wanna be a part of it."
He locks his hands with yours, bringing them up to either side of your head, pinning you against the wall.

"Let me ask you this, who would you rather fu<k? Him, or me?" He whispers to your ear.

In all honesty, you didn't know, but he doesn't give you any time to think about the question.

Wrapping his hands around your thighs, he brings his mouth from your ear to your neck, he breathes down it before sucking hard and causing you to shiver, trying not to fall down to him. Letting go of your legs, he switches to your corset and pulls the string, loosening it before pulling it off of you. He moves onto the top, and pulls it up over your head, moving more swiftly, you decide to make a move and push his cloak off his shoulders.

He pulls his shirt off in the sexiest way possible, you look at him and urge him on, you flick off your boots, lowering your height and increasing your vulnerability to him.

Ripping down your tight trousers for you, he quickly grabs your thighs and slides you up the wall, wrapping around him, your legs. Continuing to suck on your bare neck he walks you over to the bed, laying you down in just your two piece underwear.

"Ready Princess?"

You manage to pull yourself out of the mood he has put you in as he unzips and pulls down his trousers. Still both in underwear, you bend your legs opening a space for him to gr!nd against you hips. He does so and begins to fall in your trap, as he weakens you roll him over to be on top and grind once.

"Oh sh!t Amber." He groans as you please him.

Before you get carried away, you stop again and remove yourself from him.

As you quickly dress yourself, he catches his state of mind back and into the real world, he notices what your doing and gets off the bed to come over.

You now fully dressed and him in only his boxers, he questions you, "what do you think your doing?"
"Going for a walk."
"Going for a walk? I was literally about to fu<k you?"
"Maybe next time," you wink at him before leaving him clueless.


Strolling through the empty open field, you start to question why you didn't go through with it, we're you scared? Did you not want to? Was it the wrong person?

You wear yourself out, sitting down cross legged against the lovely fresh grass you see someone approaching you. Assuming it's Elijah, you turn away not wanting to talk to him about what happened in the cabin.

"Why the glum face m'lady?"
You spin around to find Peter.

"So, ready to tell me why your now with him? I mean, personally I think is bs, but you know,"
"I used to like you, now I like him,"
"That's a whole load of crap. You know how I know,"
"How's that then?"
"You have always wanted me."
"Hmph. Don't flatter yourself."
"I'll get you back one day,"

He strode off back the way he came, you roll your eyes after he winds you up, "such a desperate a$$."

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