Dancing to the beat of the drums

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"Amber! Where are you? I wanna take you somewhere!" You hear him call out, "Amber-"
"I'm here, I'm here!" You wander out of the room made from entwined bending sticks and sturdy greenery, in the treehouse platformed in the broadest tree you have ever witnessed.
Carrying a piece of clothing you had just spent the morning making,

you follow the sound of Peters voice and find him in the main room they called the living room

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you follow the sound of Peters voice and find him in the main room they called the living room.

"Hey so uh- oh wow." He stops and gazes down at the tight two piece you had put together from forage and leaves. You admit to yourself it's probably a little old for you but you have a plan, "don't worry I'm making a skirt to go with it,"

"It looks great," he complements you.
"Just trying to look the part you know."
You smile warmly and he returns the favour.
"Hey, so I was just saying I'm going to take you to meet the Indian tribe, I haven't seen them in a long time and I know how much the lost boys miss having fun over there,"
"Sure, sounds awesome." You accept his invitation gratefully.


Out of nowhere, the lost boys all run and cheer through the trees to a clearing on a cliff. Located there were a number of light champagne coloured teepees, circling a very large and roaring campfire. With the sun beginning to set, it lit up the evening beautifully.

"Peter!" A girl that looked about the same age as the both of you came bounding over out of one of the tents.

"Welcome! Lost boys of Neverland and there frightful leader Peter Pan! You have walked into the trap! Tie them up!" A very deep voiced Indian tribe leader called out. As the lost boys began to giggle as some tribe members tied them up around the edge of the blazing fire, you interpret that it's a joke and they are having the fun Peter described to you.

Before turning back to the girl peter laughs, "Long time no see?"
"I've missed you!" She skips the chat and throws her arms around him, he pulls her into a deep hug. She cushions her head on his neck and shoulders as he holds her around the waist, both with bright, beaming smiles. It seems like hours could have gone by in that time when really it was only a matter of 8 seconds, the longest 8 seconds of your life.

"I've missed you too!" He turns to you and you throw him a forced smile, he puts his arm around you before introducing you, you grab his hand the other side of you letting your elbow dangle beside you, "Tiger Lily meet Amber, Amber meet Tiger Lily,"
"Oh my god it's so nice to meet you, I finally have a girl to hang around with up here!" She shocks you with her kind words, she seems sweet so you repay the kindness,
"I know! We would get along so well."
"Enough chitchat, let's go have some fun!" Peter interrupts as the sweet girl turns leading you both following her, Peters arm still around you.

A little later on, you see the pink dusk sunset begin and you walk towards the edge of the cliff and sit down letting your legs drop. As the cool breeze hits your cheeks, you let your thoughts drift away and peacefully take in your new life.

Tiger Lily comes and gracefully sits beside you, "it's beautiful isn't it?" She whispers, "I'm so glad I have someone as amazing as you to share it with," you turn your head kind of surprised about what she had said.
"Absolutely, I'm honoured myself," you look back at the fiery sun and watch it slowly disappear beyond the great depths of the ocean.

"Can we be best friends?" She calmly asks while standing up and offering you her hand to help you up. You had never been asked that before, it usually naturally happens but you think about how this beautiful, brown plaited haired, chocolate eyed, freckled girl has probably never had a best friend before.
"Yes," you take her hand and she helps you up just like she offered, "I would love that." You pull her into a meaningful hug and find out she is actually pretty good at hugs. You both turn towards the party taking place and make your way away from the starry night sky.

Peter is holding a wooden sword fighting one of the Indians and dressed as a pirate, the lost boys cheering Peter on, the chief ordering the pirate on, "come on!" You tell her as you run ahead grabbing a wooden sword from the ground as you join Peter, "need a hand?"
"Or two?" Tiger Lily took you up on the offer and joined you. Together you were a force, you square up against what was a 3 v 1 but is now a 3 v 3. Two Indian tribe members put on eye patches and pirate hats, you both charge and fight each other playfully. With everyone cheering, shouting and jumping around the what once was a hectic night becomes a blur and peaceful again, blocking all the noise out.

At the end of the night, Peter is dancing with Tiger Lily, she runs over to the band playing cultured and fun music and whispers to one of them.

Peter takes this opportunity to lift you off of you log stump stool and ask you to dance, "m'lady?" he holds out his hand.
"Why not?" You take it and begin dancing away to the tunes. He twirls you around and back to him as he looks you in the eyes, "having fun?" He questions, wanting to know if he had satisfied you.
"Yeah, are you?"
"Always having fun with you m'lady, I'm glad I brought you."

Tiger Lily comes running back over, "can I cut in?"
"Sure," you move out of the way.
"Thanks," to your surprise she takes your hand instead of Peters and begins dancing with you, you go with it waiting for her to speak.
It doesn't take long before her to mention the exact words you were waiting for, "so what's the deal between you and Peter?"
"No deal, why?Are you interested."
"Maybe..." she smiles and blushes a little.
"Go get him girl, he's all yours."

What she had said caused you no jealously what so ever but instead happiness for Lily falling for someone and Peter being able to have someone of his own. You know there is a spark but if Peter likes her back then you know there will be a much bigger spark and you would never be able to compete against that. All you can do about Peter is continue being happy for him...

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