A teenage space

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Opening your eyes, you don't feel tired but have a pounding headache. You find yourself on top of Elijah and figure he may have drugged you, spelled you or whatever else in his toxic, controlling way. Honestly, your used to it now, as you start to get up out of bed, you rub your forehead as the nightmare continues.

Remembering elements of the past night, you don't see the threesome anywhere, giving you a reason to wake him up. You grab the glass of water on the nightstand and throw it over him, he sits up spitting the water out that had been launched in when his lips were parted.

"What the fu<k?!"
"Where are they?"
"Who?" He questions, actually quite genuinely, while wiping the water dripping off his face.
"The sideshow dancers last night?"
"Oh. Bottom of the ocean."
"You through them overboard?!"
"They were innocent people Eli."
"Love it when you call me that." He winks at you and ignores the bigger picture.
"Are you fu<king with me right now?"
"I wish." He gets more serious after seeing your emotion, "oh come on they were far from innocent, and you know it."
"No. No, I'm done with your sh!t right now."
"You'll be back later!" He calls out as you leave once again.


This time he doesn't let you leave alone. He follows you, but your not speaking to him.
"So where are we going?"

"Why we're you so mad earlier?"

"When was the last time you saw Peter?"

"I know it's real. Do you?"

Every question makes you want to answer and speak to him. You find him so hard to ignore so you finally give in.

"This needs to change, you need to change."
"I don't change for people. They change for me."
He takes the opportunity while your stopped to pass in front of you.
"News flash. It's not happening this time," you follow him as he keeps walking. "no matter how many times you drug me or spell me I-"

He stops in his tracks, "I have never and will never spell you, because I know what we have is real."

"Well I don't."
You both carry on.
"Let me show you." he ducks under a branch that you can walk under with it just scraping the top of your hair.
"How exactly?" You start to feel intrigued before things go south.
"Through s3x, s3x always works."
"Right ok." You shake your head still following his footsteps.

"Why are you so obsessed with wanting to have s3x with me?"
"Your hot. Hot girls always give good s3x."
"So your with me for the s3x. Mmm ok ok, and also I thought you said you didn't get "distracted" by anyone with you were on the mainland."
"Your telling me you didn't fu<k anyone in those 4 years?"
"No! Of course not."
"So your a virgin?"
"Well..." you stay silent, avoiding the question.
"That's cute. But you say no like it's so obvious you weren't going to. I mean who are you staying loyal to? You said you lost feelings for Peter, and you didn't even like me, so one was a lie..."
"Yeah maybe it was, but I'm not telling you which."
"I think I already know."

He strides off into the clearing and stops in another open field, one you had never seen, "so what are we doing again Princess?"
"Well "I" was supposed to be clearing my head, taking a break, but since you so willingly came with me," you roll your eyes with your hands on your hips, "I don't know."

"Well then I might as well show you something."


As you reach the location he wanted to show you he makes another joke, "gorgeous ladies and sexy gentlemen, you have arrived at your destination." You accidentally smile and he catches you.
"Finally opening up to me?"

Ignoring him, you take in the beautiful view, clear blue skies, the streaming waterfall below you, flowing swiftly into the lagoon below, a sweet afternoon aroma flooding the air, chirping and whistling form the trees nearby.

The only thing ruining it, making your face lower was the mermaids you so fondly remember, they lookup to you both, "heyy Elijah!" One with blond hair and two pink starfishes for a bra cries out.

He nods and looks at you, muttering, "slutt¥ b!tches."
It makes you smile again, knowing someone actually acknowledges it and agrees with you.

"Come on, I know where to go next."
He pulls you up and gets you to follow him.

Cautiously stepping down some steep cliff steps, he brings a you half way down the grey Rocky drop.

Then you see it, behind the waterfall, a gap, curiously, you lead in and reveal the most beautiful cave you have ever seen.

A Pure turquoise water pool, dry walls aligned with pink flowery green vines. A natural bubble pool to the side with steam rising from it, ready made drinks with hot spelled guys behind the bar, made from thin logs. A row of stone columns supporting the cave, were circled by sexy spelled girls. You stand looking down at it, with the entrance at the top of the wall.

"It belongs to me, it always has. Now, it belongs to us."

Shocked but hiding it well you turn and place your hands on his neck, looking up at him and him staring right back down at you.

"Sharing? How nice of you." You give him a peck before jumping down and exploring.

Revealed later on, when you are lower down are some raised areas, on the wall the entrance is, only the entrance is slightly further forward, hence why you can't see it from up there.

These raised areas, are in each side of the entrance, one with a bands equipment and the other, a table and chairs, crafted from again, wood.

You pick up a drink from the bar and toast, "here's to an earthy partying next few weeks!"
Raising your coconut cup and committing to this toast.

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