Spanner in the works

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You know that what your about to do is going to make a jurassic change towards everything but you feel it's right and the best way to move forward.

Thinking about it, it would put a spanner in the works but if you give it a go, it could really work out. She has been acting open to it recently so why not give it a go, just asking can't hurt.

Arriving at the teepees circling the put out fire that's no longer a blazing heat into the night sky but black and smokey pit giving a strong burning scent in the afternoon atmosphere. "Lily! You here?" Before you can call out anymore you hear her from a nearby tent.
"Sh!t," she hurriedly moves in the tent for some reason before calling back, "yeah! One minute!"

You heart drops a thousand miles as you hear the second voice, "what do I do?" 
It was Elijah.
Her and Elijah were in there together doing god knows what, you didn't want to know, nor did you want to see them. Turning on your heels, you sped quicker than lightning in the opposite direction to the camp.


Storming up the stairs as the sun sets, it's supposed to be peaceful but it's raging and anger filled. Earlier had you in such a twist you wanted answers from him, you wanted to know why.

When you slam through the door he jumps from his desk and is confused as you approach him, "Fu<king piece of sh!t!!" You slap him full force across the face after yelling at him, not giving him time for an explanation before punishing him.

"Oh I know what this is about! Why do you give a fu<k?!" He questions and rightly so, you shouldn't be mad, he wasn't yours, you deflected him, multiple times, it wasn't fair to tell him no and stop him seeing other girls, you were basically keeping him alone all his life.

"Never mind! It doesn't matter, I shouldn't have said anything," you shake you head and go to leave but he jogs up behind you and turns you by your bare shoulder.

"Tell me why you care so much?" Demanding you softly, you change the question in to him.
"Did you fu<k her?" 
"I asked. First."
"Did you fu<k her?!!" You cry out to him, he decides it's probably best to give you an answer first.
"No. No, I... I didn't," you can tell he's giving you a straight answer.

"What?" your in disbelief, you were so convinced that they did it, you could have been so sure.

"Only girl I'm interested in, is you Princess," his words give your stomach flips and butterflies as you stand there, staring at him not having a clue what to do next.

He fixes the problem for you and wraps his arms around your waist raising you to your tiptoes as he looks from your lips begging for him to your eyes longing for him. Filling your desires without having to communicate with him even the slightest, he moves his mouth smoothly onto yours and works his magic.

Not knowing how to react, you stand there giving no effort and he is just as confused as you are. He tries to engage you by kissing you deeper but you don't know what to say or do anymore. Everything is just so... confusing.

"Amber, tell me what's wrong," he places each of his hands on your shoulders and shakes you gently for an answer but your so silent that a pin drop could be heard.

You just look down in sorrow and you explain everything to him and let out the pain and secrets you've been keeping locked up but wanting to share for so long. Meeting his eyes, you finally tell him what's going on.

"When I first got here and met Peter I thought he was the one for me, then I met you and everything became so muddled," you take a deep breath before carrying on, "when Peter turned me down and I left, I lost feelings before he could confess his to me. It was too late for him. Returning here made me realise I hadn't fully lost feeling for him," his face lowers slightly enough for you to notice when you say this about Peter, "but with you, I was stating to feel something for you for the first time, I had always seen you as a real d!ck," you both softly chuckle while another tear leaves your waterline, "and know, well I'm in the position where I'm love with both of you and I'm not saying I'm rejecting you both because I want you both and if I can't have both I don't want any. Im saying that I don't want to pick and then hurt one of you."

A huge breath leaves you as one weight off your shoulder has been lifted. After wiping your cheeks of salty tears, he hugs you and you sink into him and get a whiff of his bold cologne.


"Peter! Peter please we need to talk!"
Barging I'm looking for Peter, he strolls around the corner at your call.
"Yes m'lady?" 
"Be ready because I'm about to let it all out to you," you warn him and get him alert.

He nods and gives you a signal that he is ready and you can carry on. Sighing and thinking this can only go one of two ways, you take a step towards him, "When I first met you on that clock tower, I thought you were the only one for me, then I saw Elijah and everything became so muddled, when you turned me down and I left Neverland to go back home, I lost feelings before you came back to tell me that you were finally ready for me-" he cuts your sentence off.
"Sorry about that,"
"It's fine, It was too late though. Returning here made me realise I hadn't fully lost feeling for you," his lips form a slight smile, "but with Elijah, I was starting to feel something for him for the first time," you both smile at eachother softly and you carry on, "and now, well I'm in the position where I'm love with both of you and I'm not saying I'm rejecting you both because I want you both and if I can't have both I don't want any. What I'm saying is that I don't want to pick and then hurt one of you."

"Amber, I'm really happy that you've opened up to me and I think I have a solution,"
"Wait. I know what I'm going to do," before he suggests anything, you tell him what's going to happen.

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