She's mine

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"Can you two please get along, if only for today?"
"Why, you both want me dead?"
"Hey! I do not want you dead."
"I do."
"See." The bickering begins, "You know Im actually confused, I don't want to kill you and I don't even know why you want to kill me."
"Oh let's see, you basically sunk my old ship, scared my mother out of Neverland and are now trying to steal her away from me." He gestures to you.

"Oh no! Don't bring me into your childish rivalry."
Ignoring you, they both continue.

"Ok first, that was your fathers fault, the fight on the old ship started because of him, your mum left because of your father, again, he was abusive, you and I both know it and Amber, she's mine, I had her first."
"You rejected her, and when you came running back, she came to me, for revenge on you. She's mine."
"She still loves me. I'm not blind, there may be something going on with you two, but this whole relationship bullsh!t is not even convincing."
"Oh you think she still loves you, why does she want revenge? Why does she want to get back at you?"
"I hurt her. I did, but she knows how sorry I am, she defended and protected me against you, but I let her slip through my fingers, it should've been the other way around, because you, are a monster!"
"ENOUGH!" You scream, making them both drop silent, "both of you, how could you fight over me like this, acting like I'm not standing right here. Peter, move on. Elijah, it's not real."

Thinking this hurt both of them, you instantly regret it.

"I'm sorry but I will never move on. I want you and only you."

"I'm sorry but I will never stop convincing you. I know it's real with you."

They both stand there, acting like they want you to pick, "I won't pick! This has nothing to do with me, this is about you two and your ridiculous arguing that has formed you both into enemies, I'm just an excuse to argue again, you may think you love me but if really did, you would stop, stop this silly behaviour for the good of my relationship or situation-ship or whatever you want to call it, with each of you. Then you can stop arguing, no sides, no revenge, just friends."

"I'm sorry Amber, it doesn't work that way."

"I can't just forgive and forget."

"But I'm sure we can not involve you, you can be each of our friends, but me and him, would never work out."

"So much would go wrong,"

You look down at the floor, realising they were right, it probably wouldn't end well, but today couldn't hurt, "at least try, for toady, please."

"I'm sure we can do that." Peter agrees holding out a hand to shake Elijah's.

"Yeah." Elijah shakes with him at you link arms with them both before walking off to your next fun stop, acting like a happy family you were never going to be.


"Welcome to my humble abode!" You introduce them to your grandmas old cottage bakery you lived the four years you weren't in Neverland.
"Well this looks familiar." Peter smirks at Elijah, making him think that anything could have happened.

"Let's go." You invite them in,
"Won't your grandma mind?" Peter asks.
"Oh please, she's 93, deaf in one ear and on her last legs, she's practically walking up to her death bed, so this place is basically already mine."

"Honey? Is that you?" An elderly wrinkled woman comes hobbling out of an archway.
"Or maybe not? Hey grandma, yes it's me."
"Did you sort your life out that quick then hey," she spots who stands beside you, "oh my! you certainly did my dear, let's have a look," she walks over to Peter first.

"Hello ma'am," he kisses her hand.
"Ooo a very handsome gentleman over here, manners, possibly funny? Could have a good time with him I bet, out and about, Outdoorsy?" She moves on to Elijah as you face plant your palm.

"Pleasures mine." He broadly says.
"Hmmm, sexy young man, cunning, mysterious maybe? Reminds me of a pirate, sailing together?"

"Spot on." You sarcastically say, even though she was right, your not sure how she figured he was a pirate, he wasn't even wearing his piratey clothes.

"Is she any good in bed?" Grandma Velma loudly whispers to them both.

"Grandma!" Your concentration snapped, listening to their reply.

"Oh 10/10 mrs Greenacre," was Elijah's response.

Peter replied, "perfect as ever,"

"Ok that's enough!" You usher them around the corner and out of the back door, "we're going to see the farm!"

"Have fun my lovelies." She calls out as you shut the door behind you.

Peter and Elijah bursts out laughing, "is she good in bed?" Laughing louder, Peter rein-acts.
"I wish I knew!" Elijah joins in.

Seeing them get along makes you happy, so you laugh with them, trying your hardest not to kill the mood.

"Here we are," you reach the farm at the end of the cottage path. "Greenacre family farm."
"Is there horses?"
"Sure is!"
"Do you ride?"
"That's so hot."
"Equestrians are just so perfect."
They each have their pick at words and butting in to ask a question before the other could.

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