A good time, all day, every day

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"Hahaha." You laugh at Elijah again while you both relax in the natural hot spring, along with another boy and another girl, all fully naked this time. Nothing is visible from the bubbles but even if it were you wouldn't care, you are wasted on the islands very own cocktails.

You put on you bra and pants before getting out, you sexily drip as you walk over the the bar.

Elijah jumps out and slips his boxers on, he comes running over and downing the drink you had in your hand, "I think that's enough."
"What, pfff, no, no,"
"Your slurring your words." He raises an eyebrow at you, "you've had, enough."
"Oops. He's mad," you whisper to the bar tender.

He lifts you up, not giving you a choice and takes you out, leaving everyone in the what was a beautiful cave is now a s3x bunker...


Gently laying you on the bed, he begins to change you in your pyjamas. As he takes off your soggy underwear, he respectfully looks away. Even though your too drunk to think about anything too deeply without your head on fire, you think your seeing another side to him.

"You could fu<k me right now, I give you my full permission Eli,"
"No." That's all he says before tucking you in and joining you.

Tracing your open back softly with his fingers, he helps you fall to sleep and maybe even fall in a different way...


Waking up once again, everything was different, no headache, no hangover but no
Elijah either.

Getting out of the bed you think maybe the Neverland drinks are made to not give you the worst part: the morning after.

Checking outside, Peter wasn't there and you go check some other dark and damp rooms, the pantry which was a little better and the pirate lounge, as you called it. It was the main room, where all the crew hung out, had drinks, played pool, stayed up and all in between. He wasn't there though, so you left, you didn't look outside of the ship, not wanting to run into Peter or be alone at that.

Feeling safer with Elijah, you stayed on the Jolly Roger all day. Without his return, you were bored, there were no boring moments with him.


Lounging on the velvet sofa, still waiting for Eli, you are getting more agitated by the minute. You get up and walk over to the desk where his pocket watch he left was, the time read: 4:37.
"Where is he?" You mutter under your breath, starting to pace up and down.

Still pacing, you hear the door unlock and see him standing there.

You sprint over and clench your arms around his neck and jump around his waist, "hello to you too, Princess, I'm delighted your this happy to see me."
"Oh I uh- well," you soon get down, realising what you were doing and wondering why you were so happy to see him, "where have you been?!"

"Back to the mainland for a day."
"What? Why?"
"Listen, I think we should move in together, on the mainland. Get an apartment in London, you know, just me and you, away from here." Still in his famous, 'I'm so cool' and 'grumpy with a grin' mood, he suggests a truly wild idea.

"Are you serious right now? I joined you to get revenge on Peter, not to run away and live a love story with you Elijah. It's not happening."
"Fine. Just an idea." He rolls his eyes before slamming the door shut behind him.

He was hurt and you had to acknowledge the fact the it was all your fault, "wait Eli!"

Running after him, under a moonlit starry night sky on the open deck, "that isn't the worst idea, I just want to focus on the main objective for now and maybe afterwards i can think about my future, with you."

Smiling in a way that he had never done before, that wasn't a flirty grin, wasn't a sexy smirk but instead a heartfelt warming smile. He was happy, happy to hear you say that you wanted him in your future.

"But it's not real remember." This time your doing the smirking and turning the moment into a joke. He runs after you and starting joking back, he picks you up, arms by your side and spins you round. Ticking you when he puts you down, you laugh and spend the time you have with Elijah wisely and make the most of it before you fear leaving again if you have to.

You turn and and face him, each looking each other dead in the eyes. The chemistry in the air that night was unimaginable in any fantasy world, except this one, in this fantasy world, it was real, more than ever before.

"Can you promise me, in the time we have together, we will have good days."
"Good times, all day, every day." You seal your promise to him and pull him into a hug, he tightly wraps himself around you, keeping you close to him. Never wanting to loose you.

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