Not so sweet home

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"Goodbye m'lady." He says calmly still at your window,
"What's with all this m'lady stuff?" You ask before you have to say your goodbyes.
"Maybe I can explain it to you next time we see each other...?"
You smile not knowing what to say, you take a deep breath and close your eyes ready to speak to him with a meaningful apology but when you open your eyes, he's gone.

Walking down the stairs you hear your parents arguing and your older sister on the candlestick telephone trying to get through to someone.
"I don't see how any of this is my fault?"
"I'm not saying that am I!"
"Well that's how it sounds!"
"Please don't make me wait again!"
"Hillary! We need to be searching for her more or at least be letting people know! Not standing here yelling at each other!"
"Ughhh! Guys stop yelling I can't hear a thing!"
The yelling continues as you walk into the kitchen with your head hanging in shame and guilt.
"Amber...?" Your mother stares in disbelief
"Amber!" Your sister runs over to you throwing her arms around you, your mother soon joining in.
"Where on earth have you been?!" Your father bellows.
"Hillary! Give her a break she has only just walked in!"
"I don't care! I want to know where she has been and why exactly she thinks this is exceptional!"
"I'm sorry father."
"Sorry won't cut it, go to your room this instance!" He orders, "I'm so disappointed in you Amber, we raised you better than this."

You collapse on your bed and mutter to yourself, "why doesn't he understand me or even let me get a word in to explain...I deserve so much better and it's about time I realise and do something about it...should I have even left?" You question yourself on what your going to do next.


", wait,...stop!"
"Amber, Greenacre!"
You snap out of it and awake to a classroom of people staring at you.
"Got anything to say?"
"What? I don't understand mis-"
"No apology?! Get yourself and your tiredness out of my class and to the principals office!"


Your walking home after a horrible day of school and begin to realise how much your missing Neverland, you pick up speed as an idea floats into your head.


When you arrive home you sprint to your room and sit at your desk waiting and hoping for his arrival.

"Roses are red..." you twirl around on your spinning chair again, "Violets are blue..."
"No one misses you as much as I do..."
A voice finishes off your rhyme making you spin around to find the one you've been waiting for all night, "Peter!"
"Hey there...m'lady" he smirks and hops down into your room, "you know it's been a long flight, I'm exhausted," he throws himself onto your bed with his hands behind his head and staring up at the beds canopy.
"Are we going to get going or not?"
"Your coming back?!" He leaps up in joy.
"Shhhhhhhh!" You put your finger on his lips.
"Amber, who are you talking to?!" You hear your mother calling from downstairs.
"Uh- Practicing a play mother!"
He smirks at you while you are still holding your finger to his lips so you remove it.
"Let's go come on," you usher him along in a sad tone, "we have to go."
"Hey there's something I want to show you..."


"Isn't it beautiful?" He asks you as you both sit on green grassy hill watching the gorgeous pink sunset disappear behind the calm shimmering ocean and turning the sky to a beautiful midnight black with stars brighter than ever before.
"It really is," you feel your face glow with joy as Peter puts an arm around you and you rest your head on his shoulder and watch the day come to an end...

Birds call out awaking you to a fresh morning scent, heaving breathing from Peter gives you the urge to rest your head on his chest and drift away once more, but you resist and wait first for him to wake up himself, you see a patch of daisies close by so you crawl over to them not having been awake long enough to stand yet and start picking and threading them through each other. Not long goes by before you have a beautifully made daisy chain, you stare down at it a little longer, proud of your creation.
A few seconds after, you feel soft hands on your shoulder, "morning m'lady," you turn around to find Peter smiling waiting for your response, he looks down at your daisy chain and smiles, "what a masterpiece!"
"Oh! Thank you! I'm not really sure what to do with it now though," you shrug and look at him locking eyes once again. He looks from your eyes to your lips, you feel butterflies but start to worry, your not sure why but you break the silence, "we should get going don't you think?"
"Oh right, yes."

- section from "Lost boy" by Ruth B playing-
He sprinkled me in pixie dust and told me to believe
Believe in him and believe in me
Together we will fly away in a cloud of green
To your beautiful destiny
As we soared above the town that never loved me
I realized I finally had a family
Soon enough we reached Neverland
Peacefully my feet hit the sand

(You do the actions from the song at the same time)


"I'm back!!" You shout and yelling and cheering came running over and all you know from there is that day was a good day and you are with the people you belong with...

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