So what now?

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"So what now?" You ask as you all stand in a huddle on Neverland's finest golden beach.
"We go our separate ways and me and him go back to how it's always been." Elijah answers.
"What about me?"
"I guess that's for you to decide,"

Walking away he leaves you and your problem as you turn to face Peter for a solution, "well? What do you think?"
"I think you should come back to me and the lost boys,"
"I don't think that's the best idea Peter, I think you should go back though."
"What will you do?"

You look around at the towering vegetational  mountain and think of Peters question, you couldn't go back to the lost boys and join Peter against Elijah but you couldn't go back to the crew and join Elijah against Peter. It wasn't right going against any of them, not after everything you've already been through. Wanting to be on both there sides, you're stuck in the middle yet again.

A gush of wind speeds up you decision as you face Peter, "I think I'll stick on my own you know, I can do it, that way I can hang out and visit you both without choosing sides or going against any of you."
"Thats sounds good but, where will you stay? What will you eat? How will you protect yourself all alone?" He starts firing questions at you as he begins to worry.
"Relax, I'll make a home, forage for food like normal, and I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself."
"Ok well how are you supposed to build a treehouse or hut on your own,"

It seems like he thinks the food part and looking after yourself is under complete control but he wants to help with the house, making things so much easier.

"You know, I could use a strong gentleman to help me with that, one with big muscles," You run your finger up and down his biceps, stepping closer as you try as persuade him, "someone with abs so hard- oh wow they're rock solid," tracing his ab muscles, you get distractedly do fascinated as he chucks softly.
"Ok ok, I'll do it, only for you m'lady,"

"Thank you!" You thank him as he takes your hand off his muscles and holds it in his.
"I'll be back in the morning, bright and early, right here." He calls down blowing you a kiss, flying up into the sky still holding a thousand stars shining brightly.


Knock, knock.
You bang on the large majestic wooden door you so fondly remember.
"Elijah!" You know he can hear you and you know he's ignoring you. Sighing, your about to something you really don't want to do but know you kind of have to if you don't want to be sleeping on the sand with no one but yourself, "Hey hottie, I know your in there, why don't you stop sulking about your sexy daddy issues and let me in." You put on a flirty voice you know turns him right on.

Soon enough he opens the door, just like you knew he would, "finally." You go back to your original voice and bathe past him into the room.

"I don't have a pla-"
"Just stay here,"
"Thanks Eli."
"It's Elijah."
"Not to me,"
"Right. I have work to do, so keep it down and don't distract me." He groans in a sulking way, you know he is p!ssed that you aren't with him to get revenge anymore.

Your getting border by the second so you decide to play up and wind him up, knowing he can't resist you, "distract you how?" You walk over to his throne he was seated in and place your hands on his shoulders, "like this?" Straddling each knee either side of him in between the arm rest and his legs.

"Amber Greenacre, you are playing with fire."
You gr!nd on him a little and smirk right at him. "I would get off if you know what's good for you."

"No can do, I'm in the mood you know,"
"Well I'm not, so get off."
"Make me."
"So be it," he stands up with you still attached to his waist and he carries you to the red velvet sofa and places you down. Before he can leave, you grab him shirt and pull him in, pressing your lips against his, "don't do this Amber, you know where it get you, you know where it gets us."

He wants to leave but you can tell there's a part of him that wants to stay, pulling his neck towards your mouth, you whisper, "it's only fun, you can handle that?"
"Oh fu<k it." You hear him mumble.

His mood changing quickly, he lies you horizontally along the expensive crimson furniture. Leaning over you, knowing he is in control from know on, he works his charm down your neck. Your breath is becoming more  shaky and the feeling starting to kick in, you try not to please him too much but it gets harder and harder not to.

"Elijah, if you ever touch another girl like this-"
"What? What Princess, would you be jealous?"
"No. Oh no, if you act like this with another
b!tch, I'll do the exact same with Peter Pan."
"You wouldn't dare."
"Try me."
"As you wish. Could Peter please you like this, could he do it better?" He sl!ps his f!ngers right in and hits the right sp•t, catching you off guard.

Letting out a small resist full m0@n, you give in and let him control you, and giving him the answer he wanted, "I heard that Princess and no I didn't think so. Next time don't test me, let me work. Oh and one more thing, don't ever compare me to Peter."

He walks off and acts like nothing happened but you know for a fact he got the butterflies you did, or maybe he didn't, either way, he definitely had fun, and so did you.

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