Tour de' Island

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Landing on a rough rock surrounded by glistening water, Peter tells you to wait there and so you do watching him make his way to a bright lagoon with rock walls covered by a streaming waterfall and pretty girls on rocks with shells as bras and sea creatures like star fish and sea urchins as hair accessories surround him, you soon pinpoint the huge factor that they have tails! They are mermaids, mermaids who seem to be obsessed with Peter, they are all over him, each one shooting there shot whenever there's a space for a word, Peter seems like he is friend zoning them by the way he doesn't speak back in an annoyingly flirty manner like they do, he glances and invites you over using his head again.

You graciously fly over knowing exactly what was coming so you decide to play up to it and make it 'your' game.

Peter introduces you, "this is Amber, she doesn't know much about here yet so I'm giving her a tour," he presents you to all six mermaids all with pale blue tails...

"Where's her tail?!" One mermaid yells out.

"Oh she doesn-" before Peter can say anymore you elbow him in the ribs, "Ow!"
"I can fly instead,"
Her face turns bright red, the jealousy shining bright off her face, you smirk as some of them gasp, you feel proud until Peter ruins it, "she's kidding, she's a girl, she can't fly without pixie dust, like me."

"A girl?!" One of them yells in horror.
The others start splashing towards you, you fly up and drag Peter up whispering to him,
"Can you not smell the toxic jealousy from a mile away, I'm not telling you who to be friends with but I'm just saying this is not the best bunch." You let out the truth and Peter is confused.
"They are nice to me usually, maybe your right, let's move on with this tour,"

You follow him away from the lagoon and hear a few call out to him as you both leave.


At the next location on the tour, it's a lot darker and colder, a shiver is sent down your spine as you fly into the rock cave shaped like a skull. It was wet, damp and lonely inside with a few ledges higher up, a quarter of the skull was underwater with it being in the ocean just off the island.

Peter caws like a bird and the echo sounds the whole cave multiple times before returning to the silence with nothing but the water splashing against the walls of the cave.

You both soon leave and don't spend long in there before moving on to the next stop.


Returning back to a bright, warm and happy scene Peter narrates that you are now both in Pixie hollow, you see small fairies fly around you doing there jobs.

"Are they anything like the mermaids?" You whisper to Peter.
"Oh no much sweeter and kinder" he whispers back.

One fairy flutters up to Peter, "Welcome back Peter, now who is this we have here?" They politely ask.
"Oh this is Amber,"
"Welcome to Pixie hollow Amber," she says to you before fluttering away again.

The second fairy sits on Peters shoulder,
"Hey Tink, I thought you would be back with the lost boys??"
She tinkers and you don't understand what's going on but Peter seems to be having a full conversation with her.

"...Well Tink we will leave you to it and see you later," he turns to you after she leaves, "that's Tink, she stays with us but she's from here,"
You nod, "she seems nice," you smile and both leave for next place on the map.


"Keep your voice down, they could hear us," Peter says in a hushed tone, you nod and ask him, "didn't we see this earlier?"
"Yes, but we need to go past here to get to crocodile creek," he takes a good survey of the ship, "they have lookouts everywhere, we might have to skip this one?" He suggests, still whispering.
"Ok I'd rather that than get caught."
He leads you both back to where you can fly again.


At the final destination Peter stops before it, looking down at it, "Home!" He declared while staring at a tree stump, you look at him very confused, before he pulls a leave lever type of thing that lifts the stump. You go to slide down what looks like a tunnel but Peter pulls you back, "be as quiet as you can, actually I'll go first." He decides stepping in front of you, he slides down and lands on his feet, he then turns to let you know it's ok to go but you already leave and come through the bottom pushing him over and landing on top of him.

Unexpectedly, a group of boys come running in shouting and yelling, causing you to scramble to your feet, one of them calls out, "Peter what is this! Canoodling with-" he gasps soon followed by the rest of the group, "a girl?!"

You abruptly burst out with, "why does everyone think a girl is so out of the ordinary,"

Peter explains why: "there hasn't been a human girl here for a very long time, only mermaids, Indians and fairies,"
"Oh my- why?"
"We don't know really."

"A GIRL!!" One yells out making you and Peter jump, "Yayyyyy!!" All the lost boys begin cheering and forming a group hug around you.


Later on, everyone is digging in to a feast, that you can tell is a one time thing, until one boy cries out, "Peter make a toast to the girl!"
"Ok," he finishes his mouthful before picking up his drink, "Amber, we would all like to thank you, for staying to eat with us and I'm so glad I brought you here, we can't wait to make lots more memories with you..." he carries on but you zone out and realise you have to go back home and Peter doesn't know that yet, you zone back in with a weak, half hearted smile as they cheer to you.


At night, you are making your way around the lost boys, all tucked in, one by one, the first two are twins with raccoon furs, Flash and Rocket, the second, a chubby looking boy, in bear fur, named bear. Then, a very small, younger boy with skunk fur, he said they called him Stink, after him was a tall one, you figured probably the oldest, his cover was fox fur, he winked at you before telling you his name is Rocky, last but not least was a boy looking around the middle age and height of them all, in rabbit fur and named Patch. You finish going round them all and they ask Peter for one of his stories, his response shocks you, "I'm sure Amber would love to tell you a story," he winks at you.
"What? Oh I don't really have one,"
"Please Amber we always have a story before we sleep,"
You look at Peter and he nods at you, "oh ok just a short one," they all look at you as you sit down and shuffle around, "once upon a time..." you tell them a story about your favourite adventure in the woods beside your house before you moved and watch them all fascinated.

"...the end." You finish up and they are all fast asleep, you get up and turn to Peter who gives you a thumbs up that tells you you did a good job.

"I should get ready to leave tomorrow," you say avoiding Peters eyes while closing the curtains,
"What? Leave? And go where?" He questions you clearly very shocked and upset by your suggestion. "Well I have to go home, to my family, I can't stay here forever Peter,"
"Yes you can, why not?"
"My family would be so worried if I just disappeared and didn't return,"
"But we want you to stay...I want you to stay," he walks closer to you and places his hands on your arms.
"No Peter. I can't stay, I have to go back, I would love to stay here but this is not my home, it yours," you take his hands off you and brush past him, he turns and grabs your hand as you begin to walk away.
"Let it be our home,"
"I'm sorry Peter."
"Fine, why should I care anyway, I have only known you 5 minutes, so why does it matter?" he turns away crossing his arms acting like he was a child, you feel like those words stab deeper than a dagger in your heart that had left you there to bleed...

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