In a dream

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Brightness filled the sky and revealed below a beautiful island, so unique it was like nothing you could ever imagine, Peter put you down on what felt fluffy and light, you glance down and feel you heart drop as if you might through what appeared to be a white cloud tinted with pink, you feel safer by the second and begin to realise you probably won't fall through.

Peter is on his knees peering over the edge, he turns he head to you and tilts it as if offering for you to join him, you do so and he looks at you, "so what do you think? Not so pretend anymore huh?"
"Yeah yeah, I'm sorry about that but this is truly incredible,"
"Yeah it is isn't it," he agrees and gazed at you, you look at him and back at the view you can hardly believe is real,
"so you actually live here?"
"I do yes" he replies seeming quite proud of his home, "hey check this out," he points at a ship on the front edge of the island before reaching into the cloud and pulling out a telescope, he peers through it and then hands it to you.

Looking through it, everything becomes so clear, including the gold crusted, maroon ship, with crew scrubbing the deck and calling orders, maids tottering through with trays of drinks they hand out to the crew, a door below the raised platform the wheel stands on flings open and a tall, menacing looking middle aged man appears, you see greasy long back hair, a crinkled moustache, a red robe from shoulders to shins and a smug look that disgusts you, taking the telescope away from your face you hand it to Peter and ask who it is.

"That's scumbag Hook! Captain of the Jolly Roger, and that's his little old servant, Smee,"

A small and stubby man comes waddling out at Hooks call, he is white haired and wasn't similar to any of the other crew members.

Peter rolls his eyes at them and stuffs his tool back into the cloud, "Cmon let's go explore!" He exclaims leaping of the cloud, you follow his lead and copy but do not float, instead you fall rapidly, not far though as Peter catches you and lifts you back onto the cloud,"Oops, forgot about that,"

You struggle for your breath and very shocked look up at Peter who is searching himself.
"Ah-ha!" He pulls out a small handmade bag and pours glowing dust over you.
"Pixie dust?..."
"It sure is m'lady," he answers while helping you up for attempt 2.
You get ready at the edge and take his hand ready to fly, you take a deep breath and follow Peter again stepping off the cloud, this time flying and not falling, your face lights up as you spin around in pure joy, Peter let's out a soft laugh as you loose your balance and start waving your arms.

*Peter helps you get the hang of it for a while*

" got it?" Questions Peter,
"Yeah, I think so," you stick your tongue out trying to concentrate and he starts to laugh.
"Hey! What's so funny?"
"You look so cute when you stick your tongue out like that while your concentrating," he laughs again,"
You dive for him but he dodges and you roll over in the air, while both laughing he comes closer and helps you get your balance again, placing his hands on your waist, you look at him and lock eyes, you feel a tingling sensation in your stomach and a melting feeling in your head so all you can think about is him...

He suddenly launches himself towards you, pushing you right down, as you see a huge heavy black cannon ball fly right past where you were, he gets off you, checks your alright and drags you swiftly through the warm breeze to the island.


You reach the island and behind you is a sandy gravel road separating you from an extremely tall cliff, you both crouch down behind a row of rocks shielding you from another cliff drop below.

You have a clear view of Hook and his ship far below, they seem to be staring up into the clouds at where you were giving you confirmation they didn't see you arrive on land.

"You need a tour of the island!" Peter declared out of nowhere,
"Oh ok, yeah I would lo-" before you could finish he grabs your hand...

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