Simon Says (2)

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Sam and I got out of the Impala and followed the doctor. Suddenly he stopped and picked up his phone, just like in Sam's vision, then the same bus drove by.

Sam and I glanced at eachother then ran over to the gun shop. We quickly looked around when I nudged Sam and pointed to the fire alarm above us. He quickly pulled it as we both got out of the building. The doctor stopped outside the doors, and then walked off.

Suddenly Sam and I turned towards the street to see the Impala, but Dean wasn't driving it, Andy was.

Sam and I looked at eachother confused.

Sam quickly diaed Dean.

"Dean, Andy's got the Impala!"

"I know, he just sort of asked for it and I let him take it."

"You what?!"

"He full on Obi-Wan'd me, it's mind control man."

I looked around to see the doctor.

"No!" I yelled as I was about to reach my hand out but Sam grabbed me and stopped me. My hand flew to my mouth. I heard the bus hit him as Sam buried my head into his chest so I couldn't see.

Sam was sitting on the curb as I sat between his legs. They were covering the man's body.

"We kept him out of the gun store." I sighed.

"I thought he was ok, I thought he was past it, we should have stayed with him." Sam whispered.

"Thank God!" Dean exclaimed as we came across the Impala.

We walked up to it as Dean looked inside the windows.

"I'm sorry Baby, I'll never leave you again."

"At least he left the keys in it." I shrugged.

"Yeah, real samaritan this guy." Sam remarked mad.

"Yeah, it looks like he can't just twitch his nose, he's got to use verbal commands." Dean noted.

"The doctor has just gotten off his cellphone, when he stepped in front of that bus." I stated.

"Andy must have called him or something." Sam said.

"I don't know, maybe." Dean sighed.

"Beg your pardon?"

"I just don't know if he's our guy, Sam."

"Dean, you had O.J. convicted before he got out of his white bronco and you have doubts about this?"

"He just doesn't seem like the stone-cold killer type, and O.J. was guilty."

"Okay either way, how are we gonna track this guy down?" I asked.

My brothers stayed silent for a second, then Dean had an idea.

"Not a problem."

We walked over to the barbarian van.

"Not exactly an inconspicuous ride, let's have a look."

Dean pried open the back of the van. The doors opened to reveal a little man bachelor pad, disco ball and everything.

"Oh man, this is, this is magnificent, that's what this is, not exactly a serial killer's lair though, there's no clown paintings on the walls or scissors stuck in victims' photos."

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"I like the tiger." Dean pointed to the painting on the wall.

"Hagel, Kant, Wittgenstein, that's some pretty heavy reading, guys."

Harley Winchester- Season 2- Supernatural Rewrite Where stories live. Discover now