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I scrambled through the door to the appartment, not even thinking twice before I opened my mouth and yelled out for my mom.

"Mom! " I called out before slapping a hand over my mouth and kicking the door closed behind me.

"In German!" my mom's voice echoed out and I let out a deep sigh as I neared her voice.

"Mom," I breathed out as I slowly opened the door to my bedroom and saw her sitting on my bed.

She just smiled softly as I quietly closed the door behind me and slowly looked over towards my window, Sunoo looking straight over at me. He had gotten home fast. Must've run the moment he was in West.

For once I quietly just decided to ignore him before looking over at my mom. I'm sure he would understand anyways. The moment I looked at mom she held up a small box, the ones I had hid Sunoo's letters in.

"I found this," she softly spoke and I just nodded at her, "I like it... it's sweet," she smiled as she looked down at the box, "be careful when I leave... okay?"

"But you can't leave mom, you can't," I shook my head as I felt my eyes well up again, to which she just smiled and waved me over to her, "I'm only a kid."

"They'll see you as a young adult and let you live here by yourself. Accept that offer, keep the appartment for when dad and I get back home," she excused and I quietly nodded before walking over and sitting down beside her.

Mom automatically wrapped her arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to her side as my head fell down on her shoulder.

"Sweetie," mom quietly cooed out, to which I just hummed, "it reminds me of your dad and I, don't stop the happiness you get from it," mom quietly mumbled and I just nodded against her shoulder, "I can tell, from this," she stated and held up a small letter, "that he is amazing. He'll do you good. Take him with you home if he wants to, he'll be good company for you."

"I can't mom," I whispered and mom just smiled softly before rubbing my shoulder and leaning her head over to whisper something in my ear.

"They got what they wanted, they'll most likely take down the cameras, but not the microphones," she whispered, "just watch what you say."

"I don't want you to leave," I continued to whisper.

Mom simply hummed as she kept rubbing my shoulder before a loud bang of the front door opening echoed out and I immediately turned to wrap my arms tightly around my mom.

"You can't leave!" I whimpered out, "I can't live alone mom! I can't!"

"I have to go honey," mom softly spoke and pressed a kiss to the top of my head as I closed my eyes tightly, pressing them together with all my might.

The door to my room burst open and I immediately tightened my grip around mom before I felt a harsh pull on her. I immediately stood up along with her and refused to let go. They couldn't take her, they just couldn't.

"Let go you stupid girl," a harsh voice spoke and I felt my arms get ripped off of mom, before I was pushed back onto my bed.

My eyes opened up immediately and I saw two officers pull my mom towards the exit of the room, meanwhile mom looked to desperately be trying to get back to me. I quickly got up on my feet and grabbed her extended hand tightly.

"Mom, don't leave. Don't leave," I rapidly spoke as she gave my hand a small squeeze before abruptly looking at the two officers.

"I wish to say goodbye to my daughter," my mom sternly spoke as she kept a tight grip on my hand.

Without getting an answer one of the officers let his baton hit mom right across her face, making her immediately let go of my hand and easily be dragged along by the officers.

"No! Mom!" I cried out and was about to follow after before I felt a hard hit to my stomach.

I paused as I clutched my stomach, briefly glancing to the officer in front of me, who had his baton tightly clutched in his hand, glaring down at me with fire in his eyes. I felt trouble breathing as my eyes rapidly went back to look after mom, catching her look back at me with an urgent look and a big red mark on her face before she disappeared out of sight completely.

"Mom," I cried out once again and was about to lunge forward before feeling a knock to my jaw, and I immediately fell to the floor.

I heard multiple doors slam right after the others before I managed to regain my senses again, being able to see and somewhat breathe. First then I rushed out of the appartment and down the stairs, nearly jumping over three steps at a time before I ran out on the street and looked around in bewilderment.

There was no sign of the Stasi or my mom anywhere in sight and I slowly felt my breathing pick up as panic washed over me.

"Anna, Anna," a voice called out as I just stoods till and felt an arm wrap around my shoulders, "inside... let's go inside..." it was first when the person turned me to walk back into the complex again that I recognized the blonde curls, "everything's gonna be fine. Let's just get you back inside, okay?"

I quietly followed after Mark, who softly pushed me inside again. I wasn't even sure if I was comprehending what was happening.

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