071 - teenage fantasy

81 11 3

themes: romanticization, nostalgia, reality

at seventeen i knew how to dream

to dream of fresh salty smiles

and the waves that shake and shine

from the water to your crescent curls

tanned skin born from the sun's magic 

that knew exactly how to touch mine

with a twinkle in your starry eyes

i was tempted only to keep looking

a girl who once thought she drowned

a boy who stands king of the ocean

kissing the way the water crashes

gently on the shore with certainty

the jolt of your fingers in mine

is enough to bring me back to life

a caffeinated daydream so lucid

we'll never feel more awake again

as we write our own stories here

our eyes meet with unmatched intent

intent to join our pens and lines

but instead the letters jumble together

the fantasy that should have freed me

becomes what chains me to the sky

you are the dream that shattered itself

now i watch a nightmare from afar

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