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he left, got in a cab, and now was missing. harlow paced the room as the team looked at him leaving, her hand ran through her hair. if jason did anything to hank, she would fucking scream. jason had to be behind all this right? harlow could barely hear the words coming out of dick, connor, and dawn's mouth as a ringing sound went through her head.

harlow sat down in the chair behind her, maybe it was because of the lack of sleep. the ringing got louder, harlow placed her hands over her ears, "present and accounted for." a voice rang through her head, harlow snapping her head in the direction it came from. the ringing stopped, only her heart beating as loud as possible as harlow looked at his chest. 

hank fell to the ground, harlow standing up quickly that she knocked over the chair. "hank, what the fuck happened?" harlow asked running up to him, dick and dawn right behind her. 

hank unbuttoned his shirt, "just get it out of me."

"oh my god, is that a bomb?" dawn asked as harlow leaned down to look at it. she tilted her head as dick grabbed her head, knowing that she was having a panic attack just by her body language. 

"its a gift, from our pal jason." hank replied looking at harlow, who's heart stopped. her mouth became dry, she could barely see. something inside of her just clicked, jason was bad, there was no coming back from that. harlow fell back on her butt, exhausted and devastated as gar, kory, olivia, and ellie walked in the room.

"oh good, you found him." gar exclaimed as dick's grip on harlows tightened. the two looked up at the four, ellie could tell from the look on harlow's face, she was pale, she looked sick. ellie knew jason did something to hank, she just didn't want to know what. "or not?" harlow let go of dick's hand, wrapping her arm around hank as she couldn't make eye contact with him.

dick helped harlow carry hank to a table, dawn following, " went to talk to jason by yourself?" she asked as harlow helped placing hank down, making eye contact with dick who tried to give her a look to calm her down. it didn't work. her heart pounded, she could barely breath as her chest began to slowly tighten. 

"seemed like a good idea at the time." hank replied, "just give me a shot of whiskey and get this damn thing out." harlow stepped back, placing a hand over her chest as she tried to breath. this couldn't be fucking happening. tears flooded her eyes, she couldn't lose hank. she already lost donna, who she barely got to grief. harlow couldn't loose her other best friend. 

she already knew what the thing in his chest was. she hacked the wayne's computers once a few years back, she found the device but never the deactivator. there isn't one. harlow knew the bomb would explode when the amount of heart beats were given. harlow leaned against the wall behind her, slowly collapsing down it as they tried to figure out the device.

harlow couldn't speak, her mouth was dry, her chest was closed up. little gasps came out of her mouth as she watched everyone do what they were doing. connor explained the device as bea came running in the room, she looked at harlow quickly, "are you okay?" she asked quickly as the team looked at harlow.

harlow swallowed, she stared at the bomb in his chest. "the barbs in hank's chest, they have sensors." harlow whispered, stepping forward, she shut her eyes as a tear fell out, "if they get any pressure, they'll explode. you cant remove it surgically, the whole thing is designed to kill its target." harlow barely got the last words out as dick looked at her.

"that fucking little shit." hank muttered in disbelief.

harlow took a breath, "its also not a timer." harlow opened the compartment on his chest," its heartbeats. once the heartbeats run out..." she took another breath, she fiddled with the ring on her finger as she realized hank was gonna die, no matter what they did.

"jason doesn't actually want hank to die right?" bea asked in disbelief, she looked at the team before shaking her head. bea ran out of the room, slight sobs coming out of her mouth as harlow 's knees began to buckle, not from the panic attack, from exhaustion. the cell phone rang in dick's pocket, harlow looked over quickly.

"i have a feeling we're about to find out." kory replied, even if bea gone. 

dick walked away from the group, "i'm listening."


hank yelled out as harlow sat in the chair next to him, she placed her head in her hands as they began to shake from the lack of food and sleep. she shut her eyelids, only to open them again, dick noticed this. he wanted so badly to tell harlow to sleep, but he knew it wouldn't happen. harlow shut her eyes completely, still listening to the conversation as she started to feel numb. "what did you tell him?"

"fucking N.O i hope?" hank exclaimed, making harlow open her eyes again. "no way we negotiate with terrorists."

"so we're just gonna call his bluff?" dawn asked, "jasons crazy."

harlow zoned out, her face becoming pale as she felt sick. her hands shook like crazy, she looked like a ghost. hank looked over at her, he tried to make eye contact with the woman but she kept zoning in and out of the world, he said something to dick before harlow completely passed out. dick ran over to his girlfriend, "has she even eaten lately?" dawn asked as he placed harlow's head in his hands. 

"no." dick breathed out as ellie looked at hank, who looked down at harlow on the ground. she knew harlow was stressed out from everything, she could tell harlow wouldn't last long especially when she hasn't gotten any sleep or anything to eat in days. ellie felt like she should've said something sooner, but she couldn't help but to wonder.

what if she told hank about the vision she saw earlier. 

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