Chapter one-Home Sweet Home

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"Ready to go?", my cruel mother asked me. I could practically already feel the absue coming.

"Uhh.. Y.. Yeah", I struggled to say trying my best not to stutter, it always made the abuse worse. I didn't have a stuttering problem, but it was an effect of being scared shitless.

As me and my mother walked out of the police station, Mrs. Martin stopped me. Mrs. Martin was a middle aged woman with long blonde hair and dark brown eyes. She was the cop that saved me. She came to my home to drug test Mom and my step-dad Austin, when she saw all the brusies and cuts covering my body. I was put into another foster home and now as the cycle goes around again, yet again I was being dragged home. The last place I want to be.

"Here is my card, Hope, call if you need anything. Okay?"

"Okay", I whispered, shoving the thin white card into the pocket of my blue jeans.

"Speed it up", Mom demanded, gripping my arm, "and if you talk to Hope again I will have you arrested for harrasment"

The only one needing arrested here is you, I thought to myself. I didn't understand how they can take me out of an abusive home, then put me right back in there. It was like sending a drug addict to rehab and after a week,  take them out and expect them to be sober.

"Get in the car now, Hope" Mom ordered, shoving me into the backseat of the car. I hated this and the stupid court system. The ride home was scary and never racking. I couldn't bare the thought of what punishment I would get this time. No dinner for a month? Get sent to the attic? Burning my food on purpose? What about the physical abuse? The burns? The kicks? The slaps and punches?

Out of nowhere, something hit the dirty car window, resulting in me jumping with a yell. My mom evily laughed as I realized that we were home. If this is even what you call a home. I nervously got out of the car and began to walk up the steps, when suddenly I was pushed down. My left leg instantly stung with horrible pain. My left leg was my bad leg. It was the one Austin broke when he pushed me down the stairs. It was the one him and Mom targeted for months, when they found it was broke.
I closed my eyes, forcing the fresh tears away. I could not cry. It always made the abuse worse.

"Opps. You should be more careful Hope"

"WHAT'S TAKING SO LONG? GET IN HERE NOW, BOTH OF YOU!", Austin yelled at us. I got up and walked inside as my head started to pound. I ran up to my room, but someones hand grabbed ahold of my arm. Austin. He drug me to the top of the stairs, I knew what he was about to do. I quickly went to move, but it was too late. He pushed me down the hard wooden stairs. I forced my weak body to get up, which was hard. My headache managed to get worse along with my leg. I felt like I was going to puke, as I started to get dizzy. I had to fight the darkness away because if I didn't, my punishment would only be worse. Once I had fought the darkness away (thankfully) I went to kitchen for a towel and some water. I knew the drill.
I had to clean the blood off of the steps.

This is my first book ever on Wattpad. What do you guys think? Comment please!^.^

Light at the end of a tunnelМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя