Chapter Eight-The End

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I tried to scream but nothing would come out. My voice was weak and my throat was extremely dry, I tried to yell anyways but it was pointless. I just needed something to drink anything that would help build my voice back up, so I could yell as loud as I could. However my voice was the least of my problems, the real problem here was to get this stranger off of me and out of my bedroom.

My room was dark so I couldn't see who was on me but in a way, I didn't want to see who was on me. It was probably one of Mom or Austin's friends. When Mom or Austin was in debt and couldn't pay certain people back, they would sell me out. It didn't happen a lot however it happened enough for me to know what was going on as soon as someone came into my room.

He touched me again and I struggled to get away from him. I clawed at his face, which earned me a hard punch to the jaw and suddenly tears escaped from my eyes. I couldn't handle this anymore nor did I want to. I heard a noise in the distance listening carefully, I realized it was a train. It was faint but somehow it calmed me down a little.

My head pounded with memories of last night. I needed to clear my head, so I changed into some dark jeans and a red and black plaid shirt. Then I went outside. The weather was nothing but perfection with clear blue skies, a cool faint breeze, leaves gently blowing, birds were chirping, and if you tried you could smell Mr. Cabot's coffee. Mr. Cabot was a sweet old man, who minded his business and lived next door. He always planted flowers in the summer and would even bring me and Mom some, but when Austin moved in he forbid it. I waved at Mr. Cabot, he slowly waved back at me with a sad smile. I didn't know why but I always felt bad for him. Maybe it was because he looked so lonely. Maybe it was because he was alone or because his wife died or because his sons had just moved out a few months ago.
I saw them leaving, when I was taken back to the most recent foster home.
Or maybe I felt bad for him because I understood his pain.

I considered skipping school today but if Mom or Austin found out, I would be skipping weeks just to hide all of the abuse so I protested against it. As I was walking into the school building, I heard someone yell my name. I turned around to see a few jocks with their cheerleader girlfriends.

"I heard about you and Josh. You didn't give him any diseases, did you?"

Then they all laughed. So that was his name. Josh. Just the sound of his name made me want to vomit over anything and everything. I was headed into the school building again, when Josh suddenly appeared in front of me. I took off running. Literally. I ran hard and fast, afraid of another repeat of our last encounter. I was so focused on getting away and running, I didn't realize I was on a dirt road.

"Who did you tell?"

I jumped at the sound of his hateful voice. Wait, did he follow me here?


"You know what, you freak!", Josh yelled at me.

"I.. I.. I didn't tell anyone. I swear."

"LIAR!", he shouted loudly as he tackled me to the ground. I tried to fight him off but when I did he only hit harder, so I stopped fighting. When he finally left, I heard it again. The train. Well a train, it was so quiet you could barely hear it. I walked to the train tracks and that's when I knew it. I was going to end it all right now. A voice inside of my head told me not to do this and I was better than this, but thoughts of Mom and Austin hitting me, foster homes, jail, Josh, and every horrid moment in my life hit me all at once. So I stepped closer and closed my eyes, preparing myself for death.

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