Chapter Five- Murder

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As I tried to stand up a painful cramp hit my leg hard, I gasped as I tried to walk it off. It was useless of course, how could you just walk a cramp off?

"HOPE!", Austin yelled.


"Come here."

I tensely walked down the steps. I hoped Austin wasn't drinking, it sounded like he was. I learned the beatings were way worse when he was drinking. I entered the living room and for a moment I wondered where my Mom was, but then I remembered that she was at work not that it mattered. Mine and my Mom's relationship was like a relationship between a student and his homework. She ignored me but I was always there, and when we came in contact it wasn't very pretty.

"What do you need?", I asked.

Austin drew his hand back, "Do not back talk to me."



"I'm sorry.", I lied.

"Good. Now listen carefully, okay?"


"I want you to take this box to the warehouse-"

I cut him off, "The warehouse that I went to before?"

Austin nodded, "Yes that one. I want you to take this box drop it off on the steps then knock, then you run for your life. Got it?"

"Got it. But why do I-"

Austin interrupted me, "Don't ask questions just do it."


I did exactly as Austin told me to. I held the box carefully and took it to the warehouse. I was so scared when I knocked on the door. Then I took off running as fast as I could, just as Austin told me to. I stopped suddenly when I heard a massive explosion. I quickly turned around to see the warehouse on fire. People were staring at it and I just stood there staring at it, trying to figure out what happened.

Then I realized that inside the box was a bomb.

And I had just killed people.

I was a murderer.

*Sorry for the short chapter, I'll try to make the next one longer. What do you guys think so far?*

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