Chapter Thirty One- Broken Leg and a Broken Heart

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I had the idea for this chapter and decided to update early. You're welcome(:
And yes, I will still update this Friday.

She had long dirty blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. Make up covered her round shaped face. Her nose was long, but she had delicate features. She wore a blue knee length skirt and a black shirt with large diamond earrings. Her heels were black and long, I shook my head. How could girls wear them?

She flashed me a large fake smile showing off her white teeth, then she extended her hand out, "Mr. Quinn, how are you? Oh! These must be your children! They are adorable, what are their names?", she exclaimed.

"JR and Copeland"

"They are absolutely cute, congratulations. How is the father life for you? Hard adjustment?"

"Thank you and yeah but its worth it"

"Oh, I bet. Tell me, how-"

I interrupted her, "I'm really here to discuss my girlfriend."

"Oh. Right. My apologies"

"It's alright, I just have a very busy schedule"
"I understand. So let's cut to the chase, we will be going live and once that happens, there are absolutely no cut backs. Once you're on, you're on. David is our producer, he'll be doing a lot of close ups, especially of the kids so just let him do is job, alright?"

"Yeah but-"

"The kids are definitely a must. They have to be on air, it'll attract a lot of a attention. That's what you want, isn't it?"


"Alright then. Let's do this, also look directly at me or the camera or even the kids and no where else. Answer my questions like we rehearsed, detailed and no vague answers. Our viewers are here to watch us mainly for the big scoop, which we have. It needs to be just like we talked about it. Understand?"

"I got it"

She smiled again, "Good. Make yourself comfortable on the chair. I'll be with you in just a moment"
With that, Laura walked off and I had a seat on the chair. I placed JR down in his car seat on the right side of me, Copeland slept on the left side of me. I tapped my foot on the floor and hummed to myself, I was starting to get nervous, which rarely happened. I was used to being recorded, having my picture taken, talking to people, answering questions, and being interviewed.
But on National news? Not so much.

"Would you like a water, Mr. Quinn?", Emily asked. Emily was Laura's assistant.

"Yeah, please"

She nodded and walked away. A few seconds later, Emily returned with Laura by her side.
Emily handed me my cold water. I thanked her as she wandered back stage. Laura positioned her chair beside mine, making sure the camera could still see JR and Copeland perfectly.

"We're in just a minute", she announced.

I nodded, sitting my water down beside Copeland, then I fixed the gray beanie that was on my head.

" And we're on in five..four.. Three.. Two.. One.."

David nodded his head and pointed at Laura.

"Hello I'm Laura Batson and you are watching Hollywood's News Broadcast Station. Here with me today I have Sleeping With Sirens lead singer, Kellin Quinn, who is not here to talk about his music, but his personal life. Kellin, can you tell us why you are here today?"

I cleared my throat, "Yes. I'm here, hoping that everyone can help me find my girlfriend, Hope."

"And what happened to Hope?"

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