Chapter Three-Punching a guy in Wal-Mart

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The next morning, I awoke to cold water being poured on me. I instantly jumped up.

"Well look who's finally up.", Austin greeted me.

"What do you want?", I grumbled. You can beat me all you want, but when you wake me up from sleeping, then we have a major issue.

"I want you to take this package to the warehouse across the street from the park. Okay?"

"Why can't you do it?"

"Stop asking questions and just do it."


"Oh and if you screw this up.. Well, you don't want to find out what will happen."

He was right. I didn't so after Austin left my room, I got dressed and headed outside and to the warehouse, as the bright sun beat down on my body. I crossed the street from the park and checked out my surroundings. There were people walking, boys playing basketball, toddlers running down the slide, parents pushing their children in the swings, and teenagers hunting for some shade. I couldn't blame them the heat here in Dallas, was a bitch especially in the summer time.

After a few minor minutes of walking, I reached the warehouse. Nervousness built up inside of my body, as I anxiously knocked on the dirty metal door.
No answer.
I knocked again. I was about to leave but suddenly the door swung open in full force.

An old man appeared at the door, he began staring at me with a cigar in his mouth. He had a chubby round face with a white beard and mustache. He was basically bald, wearing dirty jeans and a stained white t-shirt.

"What do you want? This ain't no place for no kid.", he growled.

"I.. Uh.. I.. Austin sent me.", I finally said.

"Ah, you're the kid. Come on in." I stepped in and thought my nose was going to burn away, due to the disgusting smell. And the looks were no better. Beer cans, dip spit, and cigars covered the floor. There was money and small packages all over the table. I handed him the package, he examined it for a moment then tossed it on the table.

"Here.", he said, handing me a brown envelope. I stood there, staring at it. What's this?

"Take that and get outta here.", he barked and I didn't have to be told twice. I took off running until I reached the steps of my house. When I entered, the house was silent and I let out a deep sigh. I don't remember my house ever being so peaceful. I put the envelope on Austin's desk and went to the graveyard, which is where I go every morning. I stood there quietly, staring at Uncle JR"s tombstone.

"I miss youm", I began, "so does Mom. She's just.. I don't know anymore.", I let out a un-humorous chuckle.

"She doesn't talk about you anymore like she used to because of Austin. But she misses you. I wish you were here so you could punch Austin, I know you would and probably do worse. Do you remember that guy from Wal-Mart?" I laughed and closed my eyes, letting the flashback take over.

Uncle JR and I were going to Wal-mart like we always did on my birthday. Every year Uncle JR would give me fifty dollars and let me go crazy in Wal-Mart for my birthday. It was our tradition. When we got to the checkout, I began feeling a little uneasy. I felt someones eyes on me and I turned around, to see an old man staring at me. Feeling uncomfortable, I stepped closer to Uncle JR, instantly feeling protected. Uncle JR looked at me then noticed the guy staring at me. Uncle JR flashed me an it's-okay-he-won't-hurt-you smile. I inched closer to him,as the guy approached us. Uncle JR protectively put his arm around me. The guy said he didn't want any trouble and I will never know what else he was going to say, because Uncle JR punched him hard in the nose.

"I'll never forget that. I really wish I could see you just once." I sat down as tears fell down my face. And eventually I cried so much, sleep took over my body.

When I finally woke up, I realized I was supposed to be home an hour ago. I was screwed.

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