Chapter Twenty one-Perfect

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This is part two of Light At The End Of A Tunnel.

*Three years later*

A sharp unexpected pain ripped through my body, tearing my insides apart and breaking my spine into tiny little pieces with a sharp butcher knife. Sweat occupied my red face, all the heat in the world rushed on my face, like a magnet connecting with a brand new refrigerator.

That's what it felt like for me anyways.

That's what contractions felt like for me.

"Hope, it's okay.", Kellin soothed me, brushing the hair out of my face.

"I'd like to see you give birth."

Kellin faintly chuckled, "Hopefully that won't happen anytime soon."

I moaned in discomfort, not having the energy to reply to Kellin's remark.

"How are we doing, Hope?", Doctor Livingston asked.

How are we doing? How did he think I was doing? Two human beings were about to come out of my vagina, how would he feel?

Instead I responded with, "I'm okay."

Growing up as an abused child, you learned to deal with pain. You learned that no matter what, you had to be strong and fight and that no amount of pain would kill you.
You were fine.
You would be fine.
You had to be fine.
      You would live, just had to tough it out. And so for the next five hours, I toughed it out.


Kellin held our sleeping daughter in his arms, as I held our sleeping son in my arms.

Twins. A healthy baby girl, a healthy baby boy.

Being with Mom and Austin for so long and having to endure everything drained all of the positive feelings I had. I just knew I would have to be with them forever. I would spend every single moment of my life with them, up until my very last breath. I would die at the hands of my Mom and her husband, Austin. I knew I would. Any little hope I had for a different future slowly burned out of my body. I was not going to go to college. I was not going to have children. I was not going to have my own house. And my prince would never come and rescue me, never.

But being right here with Kellin and our kids changed everything. I was in college getting my masters degree to be a therapist, I had two beautiful babies, and Kellin and I had our own house. I felt so much happier it was unbelievable. And God, did it feel amazing to finally be happy.

I stared at Hope.

I stared at our daughter Copeland, who was named after a band that inspired my band, Sleeping With Sirens.

I stared at our son, JR, who was named after Hope's favorite uncle.

It was so surreal, being here with Hope and our family. I thought I would never see Hope again, I thought that I would never get to hold her again, touch her, kiss her, or smell her perfume. It was absolutely horrible, thinking that you lost the love of your life. It hurt so much, like a piece of you was missing and nothing would be correct again, unless you had them once again.
And for once, I was so thankful to be wrong. I loved my family more than anything, more than life itself. I glanced at Hope, who was smiling at Copeland. God, I loved her bright wide smile. Not the one she faked for people, or when she would half smile politely. Yes, those were wonderful, but her real smile was the greatest. It brightened my day up instantly, giving me a strange nervous feeling. It made me feel giddy inside, like some silly teenager girl sneaking off in the middle of tonight to see her rebellious older boyfriend, that her parents despised. But that was just how she made me feel. Happy. Calm. Excited. On top of the world. Special. Loved. Content. And sometimes I would feel like I was walking on egg shells, but I still love her. I love her for giving me a new and flawless life. I love her for giving me two healthy babies.

I love her for loving me no matter what. I glanced around the hospital room again, my main focus was on Hope and our perfect family.

Our family, I thought, a smile rising on my face.


I apologize for the short update, however my laptop charger broke and I won't be able to get a new right away and I had the opportunity to update, so I took it! I hope you guys liked it! I will update again as soon as I can.

Please vote and comment, I love reading your feedback!(:

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