Chapter Thirty Two- Fire

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I sat on the edge of the bed with a major migraine, which I absolutely hated more than anything in the world. I used to get them regularly as a kid.
As a kid, I would take two Tylenol, lay down in my room with absolutely no lights or noise, and an ice pack on my forehead. It would disappear within twenty long minutes. I would shrug it off and go on doing whatever I was was doing before the headache hit me.
However now with two one month olds, no lights and one hundred percent silence was hard to get. So I toughed it out and tried my best to read the files, which was hard, due to the throbbing pain in my head. I ignored it and continued to read Austin's file. He was birthed in Miami Florida by his sixteen year old mother, Melissa. Melissa and Austin were reported missing a year later by Melissa's mother, Kathryn. Melissa ran away to be with her twenty three year old boyfriend, Travis, who is Austin's father. By the time police finally located Melissa, she was already eighteen and refused to go home, the police couldn't do anything.
Melissa and Travis overdosed a year and a half later. Two year old Austin lived with his abusive Grandmother (Melissa's Mom), until she passed away when Ausint was fourteen. Foul play was suspected, but there was no evidence against Austin. The police couldn't even really prove she was murdered. Austin was an orphan at age fourteen, where he began his criminal record. At fifteen, he was arrested for underage drinking. He apologized and cried, saying he just missed his parents and grandma. The judge, sympathetic, easily let him off. However he wasn't so sympathetic when Austin turned eighteen and was arrested for stalking a classmate and attacking her. He spent two years in jail.

Lynnett Grace Turner, Hopes mother, was the exact opposite. She was raised by her Mother, Crystal, and father, David.
She was extremely smart, valid victorian of her high school class. She went to college to be a neurologist, but got pregnant in her freshman year there and dropped out. She got married a year later to Hope's father, Stevan Parker, who was a senior in college getting his business degree, which he did get and became a full time mechanic and opened up his own shop.
Lynn and him divorced a year and a half later and pretty much disappeared until she was arrested for possession three years later.
I closed my eyes for a moment, obsorbing all of this information. I turned my focus to JR and Copeland, who slept peacefully beside each other on the bed. I picked up Austin's file for about the hundredth time and searched it for something useful. Would he take Hope all the way to Florida, where he was born? Or would he just stick to staying here, in Oregon?
My migraine began to pound, I sighed.
This is why I was not a cop, this is why I just sang to all of my amazing fans. I tried to read more, but the words started to become blurry and my headache was so intense, I wouldn't be surprised if my head literally exploded right now.
Feeling frustrated, I stomped to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face. I heard faint crying and saw that not only was Copeland awake, but so was JR.
I sat back down on the bed and played with JR and Copeland, instantly feeling better but also upset. Hope should be here.
She should be here to watch them grow.
I sang a lullaby to JR and Copeland as I forced myself to read Austin and Lynn's file.
If I had to read until my eyes bled, then so be it. If I had to read until my head exploded, then so be it. I needed Hope. I had to have her home, now.
Knocking at the door woke me up, which surprised me, because no one knew I was at this hotel. I didn't tell Jack, Nick, Justin, or Gabe. So who could it be?
It could be Charles, idiot.
What were you thinking? Stealing from the FBI? Do your kids not mean anything to you?

I sighed and looked at JR and Copeland, what was I thinking? I was such an idiot, thinking I could find Hope when even the FBI couldn't. I ignored the knocking, maybe that way it would go away.
But it didn't.
Five minutes later and they just weren't giving up and they woke JR and Copeland up, which angered me. Feeling angry, I laid JR and Copeland on the bed, and answered the door, stunned to see Laura.

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