Chapter Four- Rip Off

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I hurried home, attempting to think of some type of excuse about my whereabouts, but I kept coming up empty handed. I had to think of something, anything, even if it was as silly as my dog ate my homework. I reached the porch steps and I couldn't think even if I wanted to, due to the fact that my arm was suddenly grabbed and I was brutally pushed inside my home.

"Where is my money?", Austin yelled at me.

"On your desk."


"And what?"

"Where is all of my money, Hope?"

"I told you on your desk."

"NO, IT'S NOT!", he exploded, "Where is the rest of it, huh? What did you do, lose it? How do you manage to lose four hundred dollars?"

"I didn't lose anything, I swear! He gave me the envelope and then told me to leave, so I did."

"You're supposed to count the money."

"Then I guess you should have told me, before making me do your stupid drug runs!", I yelled, the words instantly rolling off of my tongue.

"Do not raise your voice to me! I just lost four hundred dollars because of you, you will pay for this."

Pay? How was I supposed to pay? I don't have any money.

"You're not going to give me money.", Austin said, as if he read my mind "I got some work you can do and trust me when I say, if you mess one little thing up you'll be sorry."

I knew Austin wasn't kidding. If I made any mistake what so ever, I'd be in big trouble. I agreed (not like I had much of a choice anyways) and then I headed straight to my room. Just as I had entered my room, Austin barged in.

"Take this money to Starbucks. There will be an old guy in a black truck waiting for you. He is going to give you 10 white pills, alright?"


"Oh and make sure you see the bag first and make sure there are 10 pills there."

I grabbed the money from Austin's hands and walked to Starbucks.
Luckily for me, we lived in the middle of town so everything was close to us. As I approached the truck, a guy got out and I was surprised by Austins honesty. This guy was truly old. He had to be atleast seventy.

"You Hope?"


"Where's my money?"

"Here.", I said holding it up, "but I have to see the bag first."

"Right. You're a smart one, ya know?", he took a small plastic bag out of his coat pocket and handed it to me, in exchange for the two twentys and a ten that Austin gave me. Then he was gone and I stood in the parking lot, counting the pills.











I had never felt so much relief in my entire life.

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