Chapter Twelve-Quinn's Gotta Have His Beauty Sleep

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Kellins POV

Short update! Enjoy!

I watched as Jack tried to concentrate, but he should just give up. Hope was going to kick his ass yet again in a game of Rummy. Hope's face lite up a small smile forming on her face, she knew she had won. Jack grunted and threw down a card, he knew it too. I snickered as Jack mumbled a cuss word, which also made Hope laugh. It was nice having her here although it gets worry-some a lot, she had sickening nightmares fairly often which made me worry about her more. She also got moody often and you could tell something was bothering her, but she never would say what was, It was always..

I'm fine.

I'm just tired.

I don't want to talk about it.

You wouldn't understand.

Lost in my thoughts, Jack slapped me to get my attention.


"We've been trying to get your attention, what's wrong?"


"Are you sure, man?"

"Yeah, just a little nervous for the show tomorrow night. I think I'll go to bed"

"Already? It's only ten."

"Yeah well I-"

Nick interrupted me, "yeah, we all know Quinn needs his beauty sleep"

Everyone laughed as I headed for my bunk.

"Is he okay?", I heard Hope question.

"Yeah", answered Justin, "he gets a little nervy when it's getting close to show time. He is going through some personal things too."

"Maybe I could talk to him?", Hope suggested.

"That'd be nice. Go ahead."

I jumped into my bunk acting as if I didn't hear anything, but I heard everything.

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